about pictures?

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I see that you have already figured out how to get the picture into your library, that's the hard part. One thing you might want to learn is how to reduce the pixel count on your pictures. I see that the one you have in your library is nearly 1.5 megabites. That's good if you're going to print the picture but it's a bunch for this format. Guys with dial up will be cussing you and your picture will be too big to see all of it at one time. You want to look for a prompt that says something like re-size. Convert the image to something starting with 400 to 600 pixels and the program will do the rest. Also do a SAVE AS and save the image as a jpeg instead of a bitmap. That alone will cut the pixel count down a bunch right there. There are several programs that you can use to do this task, one probably came with your camera. I'm not sure but I think you can even do with Windows XP. I use JASC After Shot.

Now, to get your picture into your message. Simply click the icon below that looks like a manila folder with pictures on it. That will take you to your library. When you get to your library click the picture you want to post and that will take you back to the message you are typing and then you can finish your's as simple as that. One tip: be sure and give your picture a seperate line in the body of your message, that way you won't have text pushing your picture way off to the side and making it hard for everybody to see without scrolling sideways.

I'm sure I made this as clear as mud so if you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask.
