? for Sue D.

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Michael Jackson

New Member
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Sue, I was referred to post this ? here for you.

Is there a way to test on board charger with vom to ascertain that it is working properly. Batteries have never died but charger never shows them charged.

Guest Charge Pro # 2611

Thanks in advance for your help
Hi Michael,I'm sure Sue D. will respond to your post tomorrow from work.

I would take your ohm meter and check the amps coming from the battery leads of of the charger.Make sure to disconnect them from the battery first. Also check the voltage.Than I would do the same checks with the cables connected.
Hi Michael,

Best way to check the charger is to disconnect it from the batteries. Then plug it in, you should have only the green LED on. If you do, use either a volt meter or a multimeter and test the output of the charger. You should get between 13.1 and 13.6 volts DC. Anything higher or lower or any LED other than green means that the charger is not working properly.

You can also call me toll free at Guest at 1-888-483-7865 ext 135 Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 4:30 PM EST for more assistance.

Have a great day!

Sue D.
BTW...Are you really guilty? :)

Sorry...couldn't resist

Hey Mike!

Guilty or not, I wanna learn how to Moon Walk on the front deck of my boat. I think that would be so cool when I catch ol' Hogjaws.
Hay guys don't you probably think mike hears that alot already.It's his first post and new to the board and he has to listen to this ?

Sorry Michael this is really a great bunch of guys on this site its just that they get careless some times.
I was in traffic court the monday after MJ got arrested (and posted bond). As they were calling the roll, lo and behold, there was a Michael Jackson on the list. The baliff called the name, no answer, then everyone just kinda giggled.

It's still better than being named John Bobbitt :)
Did that here in DC 57 in a 30 (5 points and $300). Went to court because the Officer seemed to have a little attitude with me. I really didn't think I was going that fast around a curve out of a tunnel......but anyway, he didn't show, so it got dismissed. I'll do the time if I do the crime!!LOL
