FLW/BASS/Stren events on your local waters?

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Michael Meier

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
You guys see this stuff when they come to your lakes/rivers?

I have seen "Pro's" here on the Potomac for the past 2 years all fishing the Bent Rod pattern. The pre-fishing seems to start within two days of the last event and runs up till the next one?

It's even worse this year and we have even more of the tourists in for these events. They follow the local guys around like flies on sh*t and run up on plane to see what your doing. Or the new passive approach is to sit out a few yards and use the binoc's. That's when you drop your shorts and show them the Full Moon pattern! I think they like it??? They keep doing it!:D:D:D
I've had them come close, hit their GPS and move on. It's a definite tactic. They don't scout the water, they scout the fishermen.

Mike it still scares me on your bent moon patern..I think that I am scarred for life :)
Yep. We were fishing a Region 7 tournament on the Potomac recently, and a rookie "pro" came into the creek we were fishing. He tried to fish a small stretch around the guys that actually won the tournament and one other tournament boat were fishing, plus two more boats that were fishing further back in the creek. One of the other competitors almost had words with him when he tried to cut between two of the competitors boats to "prefish" a bank that the tournament leader was pulling all his big fish from. He saw me fishing part of a bank and pulling small keepers off of it, and started to come towards my boat, so I turned sideways and blocked the area a few times so he couldnt' pass (If he would have gone around me, he would be fishing the 50 yard stretch I was catching my keepers on). We all laughed about making a vow to come back to the Potomac and following him around on his official practice days and tournament days so that we could "prefish" also.... but none of us actually will waste our time and gas to do so. His BassCat is really hard to miss - it has "Friends of Coal" on it, with blue flames up front - his name is Jeremy Starks. I don't really know if he was doing it on purpose, but he ticked off at least 8 competitors (4 boats worth) in Kanes Creek that day - which is about the most boats you would want back in that little creek.

All the best,

Personally I think it stinks:angry:

Chicken$h!+ bastards can't find their own fish?

Just one of 100 others reasons I don't fish tournies anymore:angry:

I got a point at Caesrs Creek that produces big fish all the time...thing is, it is a ledge that goes waaaaay out and dudes will cruise by.. get right on me to see what I'm doing and DAMNED if I won't hook a good un' about every time!

Had one Ahole that had the nads after wakin' my area and seein' me catch a 6 pounder right in front of him... ask me if he could fish there?....what do you think I told him?:p

Now when they come by...I stop fishing...give them the WTFYLA eye and they'll usually cruise on:D
I have had words with many of them. Had a friend get followed by an airplane the day after he refused to help a certain "Pro" out. Pretty much seen it all since they have been coming to St Clair/Det River/Erie.....the FLW guys are the worst.

Beat this one:

Last year we had a BFL the weekend before the FLW. I draw my partner only to find out he's not here....he's a gold card member. I call him on his cell and hear a thick southern accent. I talked to him for a few minutes and hung up. I told my wife...."You know....I think this guy is a FLW pro trying to get my water."

Sure thing, next morning I pull up to his camp site, there's a wrapped boat, and he's waiting with 3 poles, and 3 ziploc baggies, 2 with sandwiches, and ONE, ONE little ziploc of baits....oh and a handheld GPS!!!! He intended all along to use my baits all day. And use them he did, he went through about $15-$20 worth.

He was a rookie on tour and had nothing going in. His father in law was the tourney director!

Now if he were able to hire a guide, my service is $325 a day, plus gas. This way, he was within the FLW rules, only paid $100 and at the end he cashed a check. And he hands me a $20 for gas:angry: He then went on to cash a $10k check that week on those spots and patterns and saw me all week and never offered any more for gas. He knows how much those boats drink.

Needless to say, it did not sit well with me. And I've got other stories about the bent rod artists that would tweak you as well, but that's another day's story. :wacko:
Mike, you are right!1 He ran out of there HAHAHAHAH

Mini, for us down here, FLW, BFL...does not matter they feel they can all get right on you......its their right or something??

At least the one name Brand that rolled up on me near Quantico at waved.....

Are you talking about Barret Moss???

You should have had him DQ'ed....he violated the FLW rules, due to the fact that you were a non-competitor in the FLW....unless you were on the waiting list.

Pretournament practice

There will be no official practice period or off-limits period (except for the 2007 Forrest Wood Cup, Lake Ouachita will be off limits starting July 2, 2007 - July 20, 2007) prior to the Wednesday of registration and pretournament meeting. However, no contestant may be on tournament waters for the purpose of locating fish or potential fishing waters after 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Wednesday of registration and pretournament meeting except during tournament hours. After the balance deadline date for each tournament (after July 2, 2007 for the Forrest Wood Cup) and during competition days, contestants, including those on the waiting lists and late entries, may not solicit and/or receive fishing information from any non-competitor other than publicly available information. The purchasing of information or the hiring of services will not be permitted after the balance deadline for each tournament.

Those are the CURRENT rules. In years past there were no offlimits and no "no-info" rules.

They can take all these major events/sticker boats off the Potomac and Santee and send them somewhere else. I'm not interested in these "pro's" scoping spots and wearing them out for weeks at a time. If they do catch you fishing on a spot, you will need to revert to the David Dudley defensive stategy (patented by a VA native!) and wack fish within 300 yards and carry them somewhere else so the guy can't catch them. The old days of battery bombing a spot has went to the wayside like pouring your used oil around the fence posts to kill weeds. Can't do that.

I have an idea!:blink:

Maybe some video of these bozo's doing this could go on that idiot Mark Zona's program and he could have a show on how to pre-fish like a pro. Necessary equipment like a good pair of binoc's, quick reaction on the GPS button, etc.... Throw in a few local "full moon" responses and I might watch that one!!!!


If we sent them all up to Anna on July 4th week that would break them of sucking eggs huh?:lol::lol::lol:

Or we could send them up with Bill and Jim on the hot side in July and they could fish for some boiled bass in some 120 degree surface temps!

If they came to Anna on the 4th, they wouldn't know which boat to look at!!:lol: What a hoot that would be!! They'd also be rockin so hard they would give themselves 2 black eyes tryin to look through their binocs.

CIII, rememver the guy on St. Clair this year in a Bullit who watched us catch fish then cruised up to us, hit his GPS and asked where Metro Beach was............and we were sitting right in front of it!!:lol::lol::lol: Classic case of bent rod "pre-fishing"!!

Tox,....you should've pointed over to CANADA and said,..."25 miles THAT way!!":wacko::cool:
I saw a lot of that last year on the Potomac fishing as a non-boater for the elite event. From the flw guys. But to tell the truth I saw a lot of that also from the bass tour guys also. I can even tell you on day one at one event the pro I was riding with was punching buttons as we passed anybody catching fish. I saw and learned a lot last year. What I learned the most is I am not that kind of person. I fished with 2 guys last year that made me look at what I was trying to do again. I did not want to be them or ever have to fish with them again. So I quit bass. From my point of view it's not the rules or lack of, it's the money and the lack of major sponsorship. espn needs ratings to sell to sponsors, sponsors need tv time to invest money?

Selling tv time to fisherman when they are out fishing is kind of tuff.

Sorry I got off topic.


Well the "Pros" are gone and the local that won it is still here...lol

Looks like St Clair/Erie are back on top. Good show at Champlain for Horton too.

I still need to get over there....


I think that was his name. I can't remember now. I know that at the time, he was within the rules. It was a sneaky way, but legal. It was a FLW sanctioned event and he paid his entry. I think it's low, but it was legal. Hopefully, not any more.

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