Fishing With Tim

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Marty Klein

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
I took Tim King up on his invitation to hook up with him and do a little fishing. Little did I know we would get on the lake at 0830 and do nothing but catch fish until 1600; in fact, I was totally surprised when I checked the time and saw that it was 1500. The time flew by. I will invoke the "don't share another guy's honey-hole" rule, so if you want to know where this fish factory is located, you will have to ask Tim.

Pictures are in my member library. The first pic shows the high seas we had to brave to get to the fish; the Flint Hills did not disappoint in meeting the 40 mph breezes predicted for the day. Tim put on a flipping and pitching clinic as we caught fish on virtually every visible and invisible piece of cover or structure; in one spot Tim picked up 6 fish. He "forced" me to practice a technique that I've only farted around with and by days end, I added a well-practiced technique to my quiver. Fishing was so good that fish were picking up miscast jigs while the professional overruns were being straightened out.

Hale Damage [and others who might feel able to travel], you have got to jump on "56" and head west to fish with Tim. You will not be disappointed. Tim will put you on fish and is a great host.
Good to hear you guys had a good trip. Wind has been blowing hard here lately. It sure doesn't look like it bothered the fish.


It was good to meet you and put a face with a name. I had a wonderful time on the water and really enjoyed the company. I will have to say for someone who doesn't jig fish you picked up on it pretty quick. I will admit that you had two or three fish in the boat before I got a bite, but I think I redeemed myself rather nicely. For awhile there I thought I had brought a Japanese tourist in the boat with me. Every time I turned around to show him a fish he had a camera out and was clicking away!!:D:lol: Iwon't say anything about the "brown fish", but I will say you won the Al Lindner award for the multi-species angler.:p:lol: Hopefully it won't be long andf we can do it again, although we have set the bar pretty high, I think it can be topped.

That's what this site is all about. Can't tell you how many have gotten together to fish and to enjoy each other's company.


[Disclaimer: This post is to no way imply that I think Marty is a nice guy....I have never met him and only know his online personna:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:]
nice work....!

Nice progression of can tell he was getting warmed up as the layers of clothes were
Japanese tourist?! Well, you acted like you were on the catwalk!!! "I'm too fishy for my hat ..." ;) I thought we weren't going to talk about that non-standard Kansas Smallmouth ...

Can't tell? Is it a secret or can't count you that high? :lol:

Icons added so you don't have to think about whether or not I'm teasing you.

Well, it was getting warmer out and I was on fire catching fish!!:p I wasn't going to bring up the "other" brown fish that YOU caught, but I couldn't resist one more free poke at it:p. You said you would like to catch smallmouth and it was brown and had a small moouth, but it is funny how a drum can look like a smallmouth when your fighting it huh Marty!!!:lol::lol::p

Tox- I'll vouch for him and say that he genuinely is a nice guy that likes to do a little ribbing. OK, maybe a lot:D I would share my boat with him any day, and that is saying a lot.

Mini- It started off about 43 and wind about 25 mph and ended up 73 and wind at 45 mph. The high seas pic doesn't do the little lake any justice. It was as big as I have ever seen it. My 19' boat would actually fit between the rollers and you had a hard time seeing out. I'm sure it is nothing like you are used to, but for a 1000 acre lake it was pretty impressive. All in all it was a good day.

Sure beats my yesterday!!!

But then this weekend starts at 1530 for me today :)

Ribbing is what you deserve when ...

a. You park the back end of the boat in a tunnel underneath a road and then fish from the front and ...

b. Park the back end of the boat under a fallen tree and then fish from the front.

Those are two classic examples of front-seating the backseater!! :lol::wacko:;):lol:
You forgot to mention and catch a fish both times!:lol::p.
You dog!!

And while we're at it ...

My name is Marty Klein and I am a light hook non-setter and a master of the long distance release. :wacko::lol::wacko:
I know you aren't still talking about the 6lber that you let get away without seeing it are you?:blink::lol:

My name is Tim King and I have ruined Marty forever....
No!! I was actually referring to the 3 or 4 of them that I let escape--:lol::lol::lol:. But I was able to net my hat on the first pass!
I was trying to drive the boat and not fall out while trying to save your 22 yr old hat!!:wacko:
See there ... you thought I was criticizing your lack of skill or effort when actually I was simply stating a skill I do possess.
Losing hats or running the dip net?!?!?:lol: No offense taken. It has been a long day, been up since 7:30 yesterday mornin. I think it is time to go to bed. I wish I had a car here in KC cause I would head to BPS for some more jigs!!

My name is Tim and I am a jig a holic....

Hey Tim--

If you get to KC and need a ride to BPS--

I live in Olathe -- about 2 miles from the Olathe BPS.

About 45min drive to Independence BPS..



One of these days when I'm here I'll take you up on that offer. I've been to the Olathe store several times. I haven't been to the Independence one yet. I here is is a little bit bigger than the Olathe store. I wish I had more time tonight or I would be looking you up:D Thanks for the invite. Usually when I'm up here I'm stuck here with nothing to do and all the time in the world to do it in, but it looks like this trip is going to be a short one:(



The Independence BPS is huge-

The only BPS that is bigger is SpringField MO..

Also Cabela's is 20 min. from Olathe so --

I can sure help spend your $$$:lol::lol:

Have a safe trip Tim.


Shoot me a e-mail next time Tim..
Where were you guys when I lived in KC???:lol: I stole one of your hometown girls for my wife (she grew up in Leawood) and we bought a house in Prairie Village. Sadly only got to live in that house a year (5 years in KC though)and got transferred to Boston. I have a sponsor who operates out of Olathe.

Give her back! We've been wondering where she went ... :wacko::lol:;).
Toxic, I've been right here for almost 30 years!! Too bad we didn't have this board way back when. Speakin of when, when were you here? I really am lucky. I can be on 15 different lakes of varying sizes within 2 hrs of the house, and those are just the ones I know about;) I don't have to travel very far to have a chance at the triple crown (largemouth, smallies, spots) around here. Not to mention that the Flint Hills are spotted with 100's of ponds and watersheds.

Hmmmmmm.....lemme see, got transfered to KC from Omaha in 87 after I got promoted to a career status, federal agent position, lived in KC from 87-92, although that was just really a mailing address, I traveled 99% of the time for the government doing nasty things all over the country, got transfered to Boston area (Plainville, MA), then promoted and transfered to Washington, DC. Been here 15 years. In-laws are still in Leawood (different house). I met my wife when I relo'd to KC, she was the National Sales Manager for the Westin Crown Center. We got married in the Episcopal Cathederal downtown and had our reception at the country club on Ward Parkway. I asked my superiors in DC if I was secure in staying in KC for a while and they assured me I was, so we bought a house in Prairie Village. Totally gutted it and lived in the basement for 6 months, moved upstairs and never put a picture on the wall when I got my marching orders to Mass. Same day I got the news, my wife got offered the Director of Tourism job for Kansas City. It was not a happy time in our house!! After 15 years of moving paper and riding a desk here in DC (occasional travel), there's a pretty good chance I'll be on the road again here soon if the economy continues to tank. Only difference is it may be international as well....that sucks. I really liked KC but didn't have much time to fish when I was there. Same with Mass. I've made up for it here in Virginia!!:lol:

Well, if you ever get back to see the in-laws you will have to let me know. I'm sure something could be arranged. I met a lot of agents durng the OKC bombing fiasco. Herington is only 25 miles to the west of me, and I was a police man during that time. They (McVeigh and company) actually used Council Grove for a lot of different things. That was a busy time period for us, but I'm sure nowhere near as busy as they were.

You have an open invitation if you ever get back this way;)
