Fishing with Age

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2001
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Hot Springs Natl Park
In my younger days, camping with a tent, 6 to 8 inches of snow, wading the creek with a fly rod was great fun. Cooking fresh fish over and open fire and not having the need for a cooler for your drinks is hard to describe. Now the sun is out, high 20’s with light wind and the mind says go, but the body says stay in the warm house.
At times it is hard to be retired, what was fun is now a discussion of can I do it. I am trying to talk myself into venturing out a couple of hours at a time.

The real answer is CABIN FEVER.

yep, 2 more months of it on top of it. Went out to work on the boat a bit only to discover water leaking from an outside faucet underneath a protective weather cap. Soon as I tried to remove the cap, end of the faucet came off and now I got gallons of water gushing out. Turn off the water after having to dig up the lid covered by grass then run to home depot and have a buddy come help wore me out. I'd rather be fishing
Being retired, I try to do something every day. I have my own to do list that I've made just by walking around the property. I have over 4 acres, 2 houses, an outdoor kitchen, barn and my shop to take care. There is always something to so. Of course my fishing and hunting come first! LOL
I was semiretired for 14 years. That was great since I live on Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma, 10 min and my Nitro is in the water and I'm fishing. However it was not half on or half off. I could not always tell my customers not now and I scheduled work months ahead of time. So at age 68 I fired my last customer and gave my practice away. But I had gathered up a lot of projects, (material to build a green house, a boat project etc.) Last fall I watched my neighbor miss most of the fall fishing on a flip this old house project. I sold off all my project stuff and now I taking classes from an old Navy commander on how to procrastinate. (I probly (sic) need one intyping and spelling too but Im' not.) Winter fishing is not as forgiving on me these days but I can still fish most days and sometimes all most all night. Love watching a bass break water in the moon light. In July, Aug and Sept in Okla night time is the best time to go. However my best one day total on this lake was on my birthday 2/1/06. When I was a boy growing up fishing farm ponds I often dreamed of having a big one behind my house. God is good, I now have the biggest one in Oklahoma. Eufaula is my home.
I did start going out, new insulated chest waders. Just being there (on the water) was the highlight of the days.
Question for some that wade, I ordered booties for the stocking foot waders (mainly so I could fish the SOT kayak in the winter), even going up two sizes and then three sizes, I am having a hard time finding ones that will fit, (Q): Anybody have any recommendations? I do not want the boots due to a kayak. I went to Wally World and purchased an inexpensive (cheap) pair of Velcro lace tennis shoes. They work and maybe my question is mute.

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I haven't fished with waders for years now. Think the last time was 2006, and never did do it when I was in Colorado
I wade fished the Shenandoah a lot and even in the winter. I used 3 mil neoprene stocking foot waders and lace up boots with felt soles. Stayed warm and dry even in ice. I also used wraps over the laces to keep them tied.
I've fished Kerr Reservoir with snow coming down, breaking ice on the ramp backing down. Broke ice out of my guides all day long, and couldn't run the outboard engine at any speed without putting on a full faced motorcycle helmet so my head wouldn't freeze. Stayed out most of the day and enjoyed the heck out of it.

Fished for tons of weekends in a row, with no thought of taking a break. Enjoyed it too much.

Fished in the baking sun on Chickahominy River, where it always seems 10 degrees hotter than anyplace else on earth during the summer for some reason. Slathered on the sunscreen and kept on casting.

Drove to Potomac with a Nor'Easter coming in. Knew it ahead of time. Someone in our club insisted that because our by-laws said we could only cancel the tournament at the tournament site, anyone that didn't go was disqualified. Well, since that person made us drive there, the tournament director said "We're fishing", and we did. Nobody could leave Mattawoman Creek because of how huge the waves were, but we fished all day.

Now, I check the weather three days in advance. If it looks too cold, too hot, too rainy, too sunny... I think about what else I could do that weekend. ;)

All the best,
I know how that feels. During the summer, at least I can drop in the fishing kayak and putter around for a few hours, get wet, come back and dock very close to the house. Back surgeon told me I can start slowly on the driving range, but be careful i.e..."You are not Superman".

Time is taking a toll on my various Winter is now occupied with reloading and tying leaders and crawler harnesses. Not doing the old winter open water stuff on the Illinois River. For the first time I actually winterized the motors. We'll see how this year goes....