Fishing in glasses

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I fish with my glasses on almost all the time. The only time I dont is when i'm wearing contacts. My glasses fog up when its cold and I have the hood pulled around my face. Is there anyone here that fishes in glasses and what do you do? I would wear my contacts but they slide off my eyes at high speeds..found that out the hard way...I'd wear sunglasses over my contacts but then we are back to them fogging up and its not a lot of fun putting contacts in at 4 in the least for me anyway.



Also i use rain x on my truck. they have their anti-fog stuff too. would that hurt my lenses?
This past summer I bought a pair of WileyX prescription polarized sunglasses from and I like them so far. They have a tendency to fog up with the gasket in place on humid days, so I don't wear them so tight on my face when fishing. They are great for high speed runs. I use a croakies strap instead of the original one so I can loosen them up after a long run. They are available in non-prescription too since you wear contacts.

Bob G.

I also wear contact lenses and when I'm running my boat I wear a pair of clear glasses like the ones you get for protection when you're using a weed trimmer. I got mine from Home depot for about $10.
BJ. Snow skiers use differant types of anti-fog wipes and lotions for their ski goggles, I'll bet they would work on your glasses just as well. Call Sun & Ski Sports up on N. May Ave.

I use Fitovers for sunglasses. They are decent polorized sunglasses and the way they fit close to your face, they almost function as goggles.

BJ - I wear glasses all the time.

To try to keep them from fogging, I use an anti-fog wipe, but I have to admit that it doesn't work as well as I'd like. When wearing a hood, I try to keep enough of a gap around the glasses to let air flow behind them and that is usually enough to keep them clear.

When I walk into a warm room after being outside where it's cold, I sometimes walk in backwards. Try it!

When I'm running the boat on plane, if it's between 40 and 50 I'll wear polarized ski goggles that fit over the glasses. Below 40 I'll wear a full-face helmet.
I always wear my contacts and always wear sunshades while running the big motor. It keeps my contacts in and keeps dangerous things out of my eye. My partner was hit in the eye by a bug while running and it put him out part of the day.

contacts and shades/safety glasses are the answer(Hardware stores sell good looking, inexpensive, clear safety glasses for early morning and late night runs)
I wear $50 I ever spent. 50% lighter than fitovers and won't fog and even prevent your eyes from tears when it's cold. I believe there's a website:)
I wear glasses all the time (tri-focals no less), and really haven't had the problem. However, I use fitover sunglasses almost all of the time.
