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Christopher Laurencio

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2004
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How many of you guys who are in local fishing clubs get fed up and annoyed at all the #&%!!@ that goes on in them. This is my first year fishing tourneys and I like the competition but would rather not deal with all the other stuff. To make a long story short, I join this club over the winter as a non-boater, then I buy my PT 185 in March and all of a sudden my buddy who I was going to fish with starts gettin a little strange. My friend starts telling me the other guys in the club are only interested in using our boats, and to some extent maybe he's right, most of the other mebers have boats but seem to have some sort of excuse why they can;t use them. So my buddy makes this big stink about how he wants to start fishing alone during the tourneys, most members are taken back by this but they really can't do anything about it.

I have a tourney coming up and we decide to fish together in his boat, then he gets a call that they need another spot for a non-boater, I in turn decide to take my boat and I get assigned a non-boater, now all of a sudden the guy who was paired up with me decides to fish in another boat, "his boat magically becomes fixed". Now I am not anti-social but at that point I decide to go ALONE!. I will do better this way. My buddy who first thought of the idea of fishing alone starts calling everbody and saying I don't want anybody in my boat making me look pretty bad.

I am about to quit the club, join another club or just go fishin.

What do you think? Should I quit, get a new friend? or just do what I love and go fishin. Or just start doing the tourneys solo and forget what the other members think of my decision.

Sorry for the soap opera, but as always I value the opinions given on this board.
WOW..... that gave me tired head....... I would go as a non boater in your own boat.......just kidden! Are these people friends of yours???? if not, I would just fish by myself and not worry about it..... sounds like a bunch of old ladies if you ask me! Personaly I don't like fishing out of any boat but mine!!!

I was in a club a while back...lots of drama that for me anyway ruined the fun I have fishing. I moved on and could not have been happier. There are some good clubs out there though and you can learn a lot fishing with different folks. You just have to look hard for a good club and remember why you are out there have FUN!

you need some new friends and a new club.

not all clubs are like that, the club i joined is pretty much a bunch of guys who love to fish. there is no BS at all. we all no the rules and just have a good time.

keep your eyes and ears open for a club with an opening, and jump ship.

good luck

I belong to a club only to be able to fish federation torunments...otherwise I do buddy tournments. This works best for me. I do once or twice a year fish with a loose bunch of weirdos in an open tournment..$20 a head winner takes all...maybe 10-12 boats. Some alone, some with partners some with non fishing partners..Just a good time fishing.
I fish in a pretty big club in which I'm the secretary. I get real tired of all the bickering and non-sence that goes on during the meeting. I just try to ignore it and just have fun fishing. Another thing you can do is change the bylaws to eliminate the pairing of partners and the changing of status from boater to non-boater etc. Does your club do a random draw every month for the pairings? Our club does not allow a boater or non-boater to fish consectutive tournaments. Sounds like your club officers have pretty loose rules. If it gets to the point where your not enjoying it anymore look for a new club or take a yaer off and just fish.
Thanks for the replies, I know it sounds like a bunch of whining. No they don't have random drawings, that's something I wanted, I think that would resolve some of the issues. I will most likely look for a new club real fast, and you guys are right, fishing is something I do because I enjoy it, gets me away from all the other stuff goin on, and now it's become a hassle. I hate quiting anything, it's not in my nature.
We do our draw on Tuesday, just before the tourney on Saturday. Once drawn and accepted, it stays that way. We do have that problem in that the club was founded and for the most part has been run whereby all boats carry 2 anglers, and only one boat fishes alone (if needed).

However, we are short on non-boaters, and some of the guys with expensive rigs, don't want to leave them home.

'I didn't spend $38K for my new Champion, just to ride with someone else.'

We are trying to work through it, but part of my reason for joining a club is to learn and be able to fish with others. Sometimes I'm a boater, most times I'm the non-boater.


I agree - the strange thing with these guys is that they don't want to use there own boats. They want to drive up to the launch jump in a boat and leave right after the tourney. No work or effort on thier part. For the most part they pair up at the start of the year so you really can't gain anything fishing with them.
i fish in a club that lets you pick your partner. no drama, just alot of fun and new friends made. try to find a causual club thats not so competitive

I've been in the same club for almost nine years.Have been an officer in almost every position. The past seven years we had the same pesident and the club ran like a well oiled engine. Two year ago he had to resign from the position he was always voted into, now the club became somewhat of a drama, It's just not fun anymore, some long time members left like I am about to. In your case the club your in sounds a little clicky, like the one I am in now. I spoke with the old president this week who will be able to start fishing again next year and guess what. He wants to start a new club and I told him I am there. If it isn't fun anymore ,I would suggest to get out, It might be hard to find a good club, they are out there, heck the one I'm in was good for sometime.

What part of Jersey are you from? The reason I sk is that my old club is always looking for new members . They are located in Union County . The club I'm in now is also looking for new members who are boaters . This club is located in Jackson . I'll be up for a week up at lake champlain but shhot me a e mail if you want more information
The pairing should be done by random draw at the club meeting prior to the tounament. A coffe can with numbered chips. Non-boaters get the boater with their closest number. If you don't draw a non-boater, good.Now you can fish your plan all day without worrying about accomodating someone else. Club members that own boats should be required to use their boats. Why on earth would someone buy a bass boat and fish from the back of someone elses in a competition? That sounds pointless and idiotic to me.