Fish guts?

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Stan Tallant

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
What do you guys do with the guts after a successful day of fishing? I'm a crappie fisherman so when the fishing gods have been good to me I usually have quite a bit of guts to do something with. Usually I bag mine and take them to various commercial dumpsters in the area. If I only have a few fish then I can freeze them and put them in the garbage on trash pick up days (Thursdays). I fish on Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays so you can see my fish soup problem by Thursday. Just curious what you guys do with yours.
I have the same problem, fish on saturday -- trash on Wednesday. Lucky for me I live across the street from a large park. The trash there is emptied daily. If I use mine it's prety ripe by Wednesday.
Wrap them up in newspaper,..put'em in a gallon size freezer bag,..and freeze them until garbage day.;)
Plant them in the garden. Since I have nice sandy soil, it helps keep the garden growing good.:(:)
I have used them in my plantings for years and I gotta say, a tree that was supposed to get to be 12 foot high max is now about 20 feet!! Fish pars make up a major part of the fertilizer industry. Sometimes the "critters" find my buried treasure, but if I put it deep enough then I'm usually ok.

How deep do you have to bury them to keep the critters out and the smell in?
I never clean fish so this may be a ignorant question but I'll ask anyway.... why don't you just gut them while your still at the lake and throw the guts in the lake to give the catfish and bluegill something to munch on?

not shure but cant you use one of theise to get rid of them???
Soonerfan I use the word "guts" loosely to include the head, fins, tail, scales, rib cage and of course the real guts. I filet every thing from bream and crappie to catfish.

Jimfc3 I don't know if that would work or not. I had a neighbor that used one to clean up after her five dogs--noisy bastards. (but her yard smelled lemon fresh) lol .
Harpo...I think if everyone cleaned fish at the lake, the local ramps would smell like sewers and I sure don't want to see it:D
Tee, I see what you're talking about. Like I've always said, "There's no such thing as a stupid question....just stupid people who ask questions". ;)

I'm just not a big fish eater...maybe a grilled salmon or talpia filet every now and then, but I wouldn't clean a bunch of crappie for the little bit of meat you get for nothing....and I won't even eat catfish in a resturant. I know a lot of your disagree with me but that's nothing new. :rolleyes:

Harpo... you would starve in my home.... My son refers to one close State Park Lake as the grocery store... We head there for crappie as often as we can... Two limits equals 40 fillets equal "dinner"...

We wrap and freeze also... I have a large upright freezer that is very efficient.
Fresh rockfish and/or walleye can't be beat. Crappie is a close second along with White Perch, Yellow perch, clean water catfish with cornbread breading, yummmm. Pike are good if cooked right. Pretty far down the list are largemouth and smallmouth but I will eat them every now and then. I am a firm believer that you eat what you harvest and the biggest reason is that it is good for the fishery.

The slabs we catch Harpo will definitely make a meal.

And the "farmraised" catfish nowadays is really, really good...nothin' like the ol' days of catchin' em' out of a lake or river and tasting like mud.

The farms dig troughs only a few feet deep and the feed that they give them floats on top of the water vs. going to the bottom and givin' them that nasty taste....
