First "Launch" of the season

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Launched my first piece of Original Manufacturer's Equipment out of the boat this weekend...

It was the little cap on the cowling you can remove to access the oil tank (90 hp merc)...

I never fill the oil tank this way - I always remove the cowling to do it...

So, not sure how I lost it...could have been that 13 year-old partner of mine who has been known to kick his shoes off and put his feet up the motor when fishing (he calls it his "fishin' pa-sition" - LOL)...must have 'loosened it up' and then I lost it when we went flying across the lake...

Priced one at the local parts place...$8.50 (I should be in the plastics business!!!)


I used to build Plastic Injection I know why they get about 75 to 100K out of a single injection mold. Mutltiples can run 250K and better:)
I've never launched any OEM stuff, but I've lost enough other stuff to more than make up for it.
