First boat decisions

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Wendell Little

Active Member
Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
This is my first post and it comes after reading lots of new and archieved messages about this and umpteen other subjects. I think you've got a really great site going here. Anyway, I've never owned a boat. Spent a lot of time in brother-in-laws flat bottom v-drive ski boat 40 years ago. Now i find myself wanting a bass boat. Have not historically done a lot of fishing either. But I want to. Have been looking at a new pt185 with a 90hp. Selling my bike has only netted $9k so I'm now in the pt165 60hp range. A loan for a larger boat is out as is spending some of my savings (earmarked for a Corbra). The idea of learning how to repair someone's 15-20 year old problem motor while in the middle of the river keeps me from considering an older boat. Will I be happy with the 165 or wait for the $$ for a 185? PS: Power up savings end at end of the month and the extra $$ will not be there by then. Any and all opinions gladly accepted.
You really need to look at the type of fishing and the lakes you'll be fishing in. Base what you buy on that. If your fishing a lot of smaller lakes then the 16.5 is plenty with a 60 H.P. If your fishing larger lakes say 1000 acres or better that can get really churned up in a sudden wind storm, then the 18.5 would be better.
The more room you have, the happier you're gonna be out on the water. Especially if you are just starting out fishing again, you don't want that boat getting in the way. The less distractions you have while spooling out that reel, the more fun you're gonna have. Since you're really looking into the 185, I would try to get out on a boat the same size as the 165 and see how you like the size. And don't let the owner back-boat you!!! LOL You'll deffinately hate it then. You also need to decide if you plan on a lot of solo fishing or if you're gonna want a buddy along. Solo, the 165 may fit your bill perfectly, but I know in my dad's 17ft Lowe, I am downright uncomfortable on the back deck with the seat installed, and without a seat all day on the lake... you get the idea. The perfect fit may be a low hour, used 185. You'll save a ton of money, and end up with the boat you really wanted in the first place. May take some doing to hunt one down, but I guarantee they are out there. Decisions, decisions...

You can get a lot of "used boat" for your budget... And, a "good" used boat is sometimes the best place to start... You will learn what you like and don't like so that the next boat will be more of what you want for your kinds of uses...

Start looking at and see what boats in your price range look like...

A dealer will look over a boat for about $100-150 and give you some idea of condition. I have always bought used boats and never have regretted it... You get a lot of bang for the buck and they usually come fully rigged (an expensive proposition with a new boat).
Thanks for the input. the message I've read over and over has been to buy the largest boat you can afford with the biggest motor. I don't need a BIG motor but I also don't want to put-put. I already do that in the bass hunter. 50% of the time I'll probably be alone, reat of the time with son or wife. The 165 caught my eye originally but reading the threads on this site got me to thinking BIGGER. The 165 in the show room looks huge compared to a 10' bass hunter although I know it's not. Is it possible to get a feel for the size standing/sitting in the showroom? And just how fast is 30-32mph on the water anyway? Boats I've ridden in did that at an idle, well not quite but...
Wendell, I bought my PT-185 50 hp in brand new condition, (see the picture in my library) when it was a year old. I got it for about the same price as a new 175 with a 40 hp. I really appreciate the extra storage room more than anything else. It also handles a little rougher water than the 175 too. I think if you're patient and shop around a little you should find just what you are looking for.


Now you're really in trouble. Pat makes a fine point, and not one to take too litely. Saving money vs. the backing of a good dealer. Not making this too easy are we...

BTW Pat,

Do you know M. Bates at Waypoint? He sold me my Avalanche. Good guy.
No, I don't know him. I'm down by Columbus. The dealer here is brand new as of first of the month. The bike # were originally to go towards a cobra kit but I'm willing to put the car idea on hold for now. My son (29)loves to fish. I'm a 24 yr retired army guy. He grew up with his mother and for 10 years I had no idea if he was alive or not. He now lives in my area and thru him I've gotten into fish'n. In past 18 months I've had bladder cancer removed twice, by-pass surgery at Christmas and back surgery last month. Don't know is I'll return to work or not so a loan for a boat is not such a good idea. It's not like I'm dying but after my wife's father died in Jan I'm even more appreciative the fact we are here for only sooo long. I'm frustrated that every boat I've seen is a 15-20 year old boat with a new motor(read: 15-20 year old motor with a rebuilt power head) that's 50-70% cost of new. I've got the bucks for the 165 but I'd convinced myself I needed a BIGGER boat/motor. I just don't know if I'll be satisfied with the 165 or just keep on waiting and looking for that bigger boat used. I've also never had much luck finding the great bargins in life.

I have no idea of anything about this boat... But, here is a "possible"... Lowe is a good product and the motor has potential... The OMC V-4s are pretty reliable and even if it needed a rebuild it is a reasonable cost job on this motor... My point is for a newbie an exploratory boat... a starter is not a bad idea... And, at $6M it is well inside your price range
Does look like something worth while to look into. It's on the other side of the state but...have truck, will travel. Was unable to check it's NADA value as I've used up my alloted 10 sesarches today. From the photo it looks like it"s at a dealer??? Thanks for the tip.

It is priced at the upper end of retail, but not out of line... Depends on what goes with it, cover, etc.
"Cobra"? As in "Shelby"? One of the original/replicars?

Need help driving it? :)
185 is my vote too! :) Couldn't be happier for the money..


Go to my libaray so I won't be accused of postin' my rig again:)
Really appreciate the encouragement and advice. Like I said, this site is super. No, not as in Shelby Cobra, at least not as in an original. Want to put together a Factory Five copy of a 65 427s/c. Me, take me fish'n and I'll let ya try the wheel. Course I've gotta build it first. Have been unable to get the "contact seller" link to work on the Lund... will jus keep on pluggn.

Have you considered the PT175 as an option? Kind of in-between what you are looking at, and prices with 50 HP are close to your range. Awesome starter boat, substantial power, (30-33mph is fast for a newbie on the water) and very economical. Is the best selling freshwater boat in the world. Good luck with whatever decision you make, my Cuz Greg has some good low cost options too.

I got my PT 17 when it was 4 years old and paid $6000 for it. I thought that would be all the boat I would ever need. Its kinda like buying a house you could always use some extra room after you get moved in. Thats the case with me now. Seems like I cant get all my friends on the boat at the same time. If you look around long enough you will find what sutes your needs and heck you may some more money. I have a buddy who bout a 96 ProCraft for $8000 its 18' with a 150, pleanty of room and plenty of speed. If your looking at the Pro Team you won't be dissapointed, I would look at used rather than new, that will be where you will save the most money. Hope this helps.
