Finally did it

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Josh Bertrand

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well guys, we finally bought that 190 DC. Not my first boat, but my first bass boat.

I've been fishing some team tournaments with my partner, and after this season, and a little more experience I'm going to be able to fish as the boater.

I'm sure I'll have some questions about my rig in the coming months, so bear with me if you could.

Thanks. Josh
Congrats... Welcome to the "I spent all my money on my boat stuff" club...
190's a good boat. Local guy here fished with the weather man had one. Solid boat.

All Right! Now get some pics of that bad boy with you in it in your library so we can all drool!!!
imagine that,.......1 trip to the holy land and he's already droolin' over glass!!!

We took it out for the first time this afternoon and it ran real well.

The max RPM's this boat is supposed to run is around 5600-6000 supposedly. I'm not a speed friek, and this obviosly isn't going to be a 70 mph boat. Today the fastest I ran was about 50 mph at 4900 RPM's, there was a lot more left in the throttle. This is more for my Dad's reasurance than mine, but if the max recomended RPM's are 5600-6000, is running around 5400-5600 going to put extra wear and tear on the engine. In most situations, 45-50 is more than enough for us, but there are special instances were it's nice to know it's ok to "kick it" and get were you need to be (before a storm, tournaments,.......). I know a lot of people who run thier boats at two speeds, idle and WOT. To answer my Dad's question, is it damaging to the engine to run near WOT as long as you stay under the RPM limit?

Thanks. Josh
Welcome Josh.

I assume, since you took the boat out for the first time and ran it that hard, the engine is used. Anyway, if the engine is newer, the max rpm is listed on a small label on the engine - look around the mounting clamp. If not, use your serial number and contact the engine manufacturer and find the recommended max rpm. The engine's power is developed by the rpms. Usually the max rpms is a bit past the required rpms to reach max horsepower. Having stated that, the engines are made to easily run at max rpm for extended periods. Some will cut-out if you exceed the max by too much. Sure the risk of damage may increase exponentially by running at max compared to say 3/4 throttle but a good maintenance program will keep the risk to a minimum. For the record, running at 3/4 when full can be done is like taking a shower without soap. Tell dad to open her up and enjoy the ride.

Da Bear
Amen to that.....let them ponies run!! Just not everytime you throttle her open. Also, let the engine get warm before puttin the coals to her...why, I don't know, I just do it!!LOL!!

ahhhhaahhhh a DC....wish I had a DC. I'd have a place to stuff the old lady under to keep her mouth shut about the wind....I can't believe there is that much wind in a baot with a 25hp

Congrats on the new often and you will think its the best thing you ever did.

tin Geo
Wrong logic....get the single consloe like mine with a 225. Every time she tries to open her mouth, her head blows up like a parachute!!LOL
