Finally,a picture of my boat.

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Chris F.

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2003
Reaction score
Hays, Kansas
Nitro in drive 007.JPG
I finally got my computer fixed and my camera working.:cool:
That's a pretty boat right there...I don't care who you are.

Nice ride chris.... I'm sure you'll have hours of fun with it
Sooner, I thought of you today when I had to call Eagle Electronics in Tulsa. I broke my trolling moter mount for my transducer and had to order a replacement.:(
Thanks Bill, I hope your back has been getting better. I haven't been able to keep up with the latest info and current events.
Still impressed with the back deck area on these boats. Great looking ride, and I love that it is a dual console model.

Oh Chris, Chris, Chris....a WHITE should called first! LOL Yeah, they look sharp WHEN they're clean, but I could have warned you....they're a real bi+c# to keep clean inside and out. The scum lines show up real easy, so be sure to whipe it down immediately after pulling it out each day while it's still wet. 10 minutes at the ramp will save you 2 hours of buffing at home.

And as for the interior, just keep whiping it down wet too. The blood, fish crap, bugs, etc will show up easy but just whipe her down and twice a season buff it with the 3M's Finesse compound for body work, it's a white liquid. It's expensive but keeps oxidation off, shines her up and takes off any discoloration or other crud. You can also do the bottom of the hul with it as it is NOT a wax. After a few months in the water you will notice you lose about 1-2 mph from friction on the hul with buildup. This takes it off and brings you right back to OEM specs, without causing slip or chine walk on the hull or chines.
Thanks for the hull cleaning advice. I had it out about five times last fall the got it all cleaned up for winter. I have been out seven times this year and the hull needs a good cleaning. The carpet is tan and shouldn't be too much of a problem. Does the 3M compound buff on and off as easy as a good wax? thanks, Chris F.
Yep, that's a mighty fine lookin' boat. I'd have gone for something like that, but got three in my household plus others that want to go fishin' all the time.
Oh yeah, even easier actually. Just don't do it in the sun. I cakes on and comes off harder. Use a buffer and a good pad and you can clean it up really nice with that 3M stuff. Make sure you get the super fine as you're not doing any scratch removal. I'm sure there must be some marine grade stuff that BPS sells too, but I found the 3M through a friend that leaves his dive boat in the water all season and uses this to buff it up. Works great.

The first time I did it, I couldn't believe how much whiter my boat actually was. Even when it looks clean, white gets discolored and kind of a yellowish to light brown haze to it. The key is to do little areas at a time. And when you do the bottom of the hull, get down on a creeper to save your back. And wear goggles, the stuff will get flying once in a while with the buffer. Also, don't use a cheap orbital buffer. Get a nice Craftsman style that looks like a big angle grinder with a buffing bad. Do NOT use an actual grinder, the RPM's are way too high and can ruin your finish.

Another little performance tip for you, take about a 200 grit sandpaper and LIGHTLY sand the sheen off of the last 4-6" of you transom where it touches the water while on pad at WOT. It actually will create an area of air turbulance giving you a little more lift and a little less drag. I read about it on a racing boat forum. It works. You can gain an extra 1 mph by doing this cheap and easy 5 minute mod.
Wow! What a color scheme. I really like it. That is a sweet color scheme. And a good looking boat too.
really nice looking boat my 2000 929cdx is almost all white and it does take some work to keep it looking good :)

That boat looks really familiar. Where have I seen it before? Oh yeah, it's parked in my front yard.


What can I say but, "Nice ride Chris." :)