Finally a check!

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Finally cashed today! What a monkey off the back. Partner and I went to a chain of lakes for our tournament, one by the way that we have never done well at before. I said my only goal was to get a limit and let the chips fall where they may. Well I wake up and it is 41 degrees. I put on my insulated snow suit (i hate cold) and off we go. Well we get to start where we want with no one in sight. Usually not the case as there is usually a waiting line for all the best spots. We catch nothing for the first two hours and finally after moving to our fourth spot my partner puts a 2 pounder in the boat. I follow that up with back to back keepers and then nothing the rest of the tournament until about 30 minutes left. By the way, by this time the sun has come out and the temp is in the low 70s. I say, lets hit this channel and then go to the scales. We make it 1/2 way down the channel and boom I get another keeper. Now there is only about 15 minutes till we have to be back and I get my mouse caught and while trying to get it out I hear, "Get the net!" I drop the rod, grab the net and there is number 5 in the well. We flat run all out to the weight in and end up tied for 3rd but get fourth due to our big bass being one ounce smaller than the guys largest that we are tied with. All in all a good day for us. The $200.00 didn't hurt either!

Hope everyone else is doing well on the water this weekend.

Congrats! It feels good to get a little payback doesn't it? Makes it all seem worth it after all:cool:
