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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Being out here in Vegas I didn't get any real info on the storm. You VA guys need to fill me in on what happened. I got to talk to the wife for a sahort time and she said we had a tree down but that's all I lknow.

Not much to tell. Lots of rain (~5 inches). A little bit of wind damage but nothing like they said we COULD have had. Lake is up a little and a beautiful Sunday with the sun shining. Hope the tables are going your way. Hurry and get back so you can let people fish the hot side!
Actually I have been staying out of the casinos (so far). Yesterday it was 111 degrees!! Thank heavens for AC!!

get on your email

Rain here and lots of it, localized flooding in the usual spots.

had to go and look for David a car today (totalled his) and went to the base lemon lot. While there (near the Chop) looked at the river and it is a brown mess in the areas that have inflow. The rest of the river looked pretty clear (for now anyway)

if the wife unit needs the tree removed give me a shout and I can run out there after work tomorrow.
What Bill in VA said. Lots of rain followed by a good bit of wind. Didn't lose power, but it flickered! Bad news for me is that those pesky squirrels ripped the boot off of one of the vent pipes and I had water leaking in during the rain storm. Won't be able to get to it until next weekend at the earliest. GRRRR...... :angry:
Thanks Carlos, it is in the forest so there was no damage. My crackberry won't let me log on to my home email. I am in the lobby of the hotel right now on one of their computers so I did check my home email. I'm here for the next week and there are rumors that I will be heading out again. :wacko:


Rodger that one dude! Glad your house came through the storm ok. Have her call if she needs anything.

Have fun and take care on the road!


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