Federated Bass club question

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Rich D

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2001
Reaction score
For you folks in federated clubs, what do the local clubs get from BASS? Any funds or other assistance to the local club level?

Currently in my muskie club there are a group of guys starting to talk about breaking away from Muskies Inc and forming their own club. In the past couple of years I have been a member the International organization has done little for the local level. All dues go to International, anytime we have petitioned for funds to help with fisherie improvement projects it has been rejected. Basically a lot of guys feel our money is going to help the WI/MN fisheries.

So I was just wondering if it is similar with BASS.

Of course most of the guys doing the griping are the same guys that won't volunteer to help or change anything, but that is a different tale...

Rich D
We get a hand out, asking for more of our money. Seriously, the basics of what we get are as follows:

BassTimes subscription

The Federation setting up/sponsoring/running a regular trail.

Same for the 6 man and Championship.

Money for the State team to travel to the regionals (about $14,000.00 here) - 12 people.

Most of this is 'made' through the tourney trail, 6 man and championship tourneys.

We get a monthly magazine, and six plaques a year for the most catches per division, oh yeah and requests for more donations....
Yep we get the same thing but one thing that Tex missed is the insurance. B.A.S.S provides us with 1 million liability for any club event just by being affiliated with B.A.S.S.
We get the same in NJ that JimB & Tex get. BUt my club pays all the Bass Federation dues after the initial year.:p
We also are covered under a liability issurance policy that covers club, region, state, and national B.A.S.S. events.