falling overboard ( Long )

  • Thread starter Thomas Macaluso
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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
I had an experience this weekend that still has me a little rattled . I was fishing a club tournament on the Hudson in upper New York for the past three days. It was raining on Saturday as I pre fished the river by myself . At one part during the day as I was answering the call of nature over the side I thought
I don 't know about you but that would be a go to church next Suday experience for me. About four years ago I fell off the back end of a boat being put on a trailer. I had heavy insulated coveralls on AND my Sterns life jacket. Went to the bottom like a Chevy err Rock. I could barely stand up and couldn't walk against the current. My brother pulled me out with the net.


I've thought many times "what would happen if....."

I know I'd be a gonner.....

I'm not a good swimmer.....

My heart likely wouldn't take the strain.....

Yet I continue to take off my life vest.....

Both my boats have had ladders on the back.....

That would be of some help.....

"IF" I could get back there.....

Glad to hear you're OK, Tom!
Thanks for the post, it serves as a good reminder to all of us.

Glad you're ok Tom... That's the important part. I've taken a "header" a couple of times and, luckily, both times it was in shallow water and with a fishing partner. If I am alone, I leave my vest on.

Glad you held on. Put one of these on the boat if you can AND wear your sospenders. I have a pair that I wear when I am by myself. Maybe I need to wear it more often? Thanks for the reminder.

Here is another picture of it with the rungs down. Don't go in with the lights on though.

Anybody know if you can climb up these things with boots or shoes on?

Tom.....Glad it turned ok OK for you and thanks for posting your story!....I'm sure the next time most of us think about taking off their vest they will suddenly 'remember the story from the guy on the board' and leave it on!.....Mike L.
Here is a picture of my Nitro 896 with a drop down boarding ladder. I had it put on just in case I go over since I generally fish by myself. I always wear my Sospenders and sometimes even wear the waist belt.
Glad you weren't hurt or worse Tom!!! Count your blessings and wear that PFD!!! Carry on,.....

Man, that was some bad kind of story. Glad that you are all right. I've been thinking more and more about that type of thing (wearing sospenders all the time) and/or installing a ladder on the rear of my boat. Guess I need to bite the bullett and get setup properly.

I'm glad you're OK too Tom. SOS spenders are on my X-mas list. I'll wear my PFD when I run, but never when I fish because of the bulk. I never thought SOS spenders were worth the money until I wore a pair. St. Clair is always rough and I almost went swimming a few times this summer. I'll own a pair next year for sure AND wear them.

Hey Mac, can I borrow your SOS spenders for the Championship this weekend??

Tom, glad your O.K., hopefully you'll wear the sospenders when fishing by yourself after having this little episode. Again glad O.K. and enjoy the rest of the season.

I would have said "Good Bye" to those boots real quick. The best thing to do in that situation is to start stripping. That's why the US Navy still issues bell bottoms.