Ever watch a 6lber work over a school of bait - I did today

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Man, I saw the most interesting thing today at the lake. My wife and I were eating at T-Bones on Lake Wylie (lunch). It sits out over the water (it was where ESPN had it's camera/crew hdq's when the classic was here several years ago).

You have to cross a long cross-walk over the water to get to the resturant. We were watching the bluegill/bream working the shoreline going in. Coming our, we saw a fairly large school of baitfish (either small shad or decent sized minnows - couldn't tell for sure). It was sitting around 20feet off the bank, near the surface. The 'school' had surfaced as we were walking back to the car.

All of a sudden I see the flash of a tail, and the next thing I know I see about a 6lb LM snacking down on the baitfish. That big boy just stayed under the baitfish for about 5-8 minutes, and occasionlly would pick off another snack. For the entire time, the LM never moved more than several feet out from the edges of the school. Just cruisin' and snackin'.

It was the most interesting thing I've seen like this in a very long time. A real lesson in how they prowl and eat.

Then, about 25 yards down the shoreline, I watched a 1 to 1 1/2 lb male guarding a bed (obviouisly a late spawing female had laid eggs there). The bluegill and bream were trying to zero in. That male would chase some of the 'gills 12-15 feet away from the bed and then zoom back to stand guard. Watched this for another 5 minutes or so.

these are the things kids need to see.....beats video games hands down!

Awesome sight, thanks for sharing.

Man Tex - You tell the Mrs. to hang tight while you ran back to the house/boat to get a rod!!! That would be a great site!
Tex, I see it at the one lake I fish often, it's a gin clear lake, with smallies in it, you can watch the smallies, ball up the bait and work together to get them, it's an awesome sight to watch, the bait fish in a ball formation really move all over the place.

these are the things kids need to see.....beats video games hands down!

Maybe someone can make it into a video game: "Bluegill: Nest Raider" In the game, you get to play either a bream or a bass. You score by eating eggs (bream), or by fending off/killing/eating bream (bass). Every once in a while, a plastic worm, crankbait or spinner comes by...it looks like food, but be careful!
OK looks like Rich is off to video game making school!!! LOL

I tell ya, my kids LOVE the on-line and hand held fishing games. Eli has a scalled down version of the EA Games bassfishing game, he has a print out above his PC of the 22lb Largemouth he caught in a tourny on the game, and I have one of the plug into the TV BassMaster games, and Eli keeps beating my scores!!! LOL

Our lakes down here, Lanier and Allatoona (more Allatoona) are not as clear and shallow that i've ever seen a bedding fish, wish I could!
Trep come on up (this time of year) and I will show you the motherload of bedding fish.....but only you....lol


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