Early B-DAY Present from my wife!!

  • Thread starter Michael Trepper [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~libra
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK I'm leaving in 12 days for my bi-annual Canada fishing trip and needed (for nights and winters here) a nice hooded jacket. Beka gave me this today, she bought the jacket at BPS and sewed the patches on! I love it!!!
That looks really sharp, Trepp

Congrats and tell her she did good.

Nice jacket (and wife too)! Maybe the jacket will bring you good luck on your trip and when you get back on your home waters!!!

Bob G.
Makes his own beer, works in his jammies, gets fishing trips to Canada, gets days away from the everyday dulldrums to go fishing whenever he takes a notion, God knows what else. Now his wife comes out with an early B'day present this great. Is this guy a Saint or what???

Come to think of it...I'll bet you get one more "present" before you leave. ;>) What a life....

Happy early Birthday Trepper.
Trep, by any chance did she give you a new hat also, you really need one.. Nice coat, and do it proud...


Just so you know, Trep has to leave the country to catch a fish!!! I wish I was going with him!!!

Bob G.
Nice...very nice. Happy Birthday...when is it?

My birthday is tomorrow. My wife and son are out right now, hopefully scoring an All Star TWS.

Tox - this is a PG rated site, THOSE present's are NOT discussed!!! LOL

Buzz - I NEED a new hat too!! Don't ask but I joined the Tox/Carlos club during a pot T last Tuesday night! OFF when my lucky BPS hat!!! :-(

Richard - I thank the lord every day to be blessed with the family and friends I have, all y'all included!! Not a bad life, nope not at all!!!

Bob G - Bwwwhhaa!!! The NEW Hot tub get's plugged in tomorrow night, WATCHIT or i'll start the snow dance EARLY this year!!! LOL


Bring on the snow, we can't handle the 85 to 90 degree temps with 85% humidity anyways. I turn into a 3 toed sloth at 90 dgrees!!! LOL! You can keep all that heat down south anyways where it belongs!! FYI, Vermonters wait until Fall to fill/heat their hot tubs!

Bob G.
Mr Trepper> If you and Rob get into another dancing competion like last year I will tie you to the back of my truck and tow your butt to NY Grab Mr Lamoy tie him right next to you and drag both your butts back to MD so Carlos can take a little target practice. Be Scared be very very scared.. O and btw Happy Birthday....

Bob G. - "85 to 90 degree temps with 85% humidity " LOL Heck in Houston before we moved to Georgia it was very common for a few months in the summer for 95-100 degrees with 100% humidity with ZERO chance of RAIN!!! Never thought it was possible, but it is!!! LOL

Bruce - BRING IT ON!!!! LOL I'll keep the snow dance south if SOMEONE keeps the RAIN DANCE away!! It's rained with HEAVY lightening/wind every evening for over a week! I DON'T like mowing my lawn AND the Hot Tub get's connected tonite and I DON'T like Lightening when i'm in the tub!!!!
GASP!!!! horrors....

I thought your wife mows the lawn!

Maybe your life ain't so easy after all.

Perfect way to show your pride and stay warm in the "Great White North"! Good luck and Happy Birthday!
Thanks everyone for the early B-day wishes, it's not till Sept 7th, but the biggest (and most expensive) part every 2 years is joining Beka's Dad, 2 brothers and Uncle for this trip. In fact, it is THIS TRIP that got me fishing in the first place! Other then a few times as a kid at camp for bluegills I never fished again till my Father-in-law asked me 12 years ago to join them in Canada!

11 days to go, and i'm not done PACKING yet!!! Did just pick up some more polorized fishing sunglasses for the trip. Gotta get some more plastics and start packing!!!

Dan J - I'm a WALKING BILBOARD!!! So how do I get perk's for this!!! LOL I enjoy my Tracker and love shopping at BPS. Heck maybe someone will mistake me for a Great Walleye Pro!!! LOL

Richard - She did at the old house, when it was a Rider mower, but this lawn is to sliced up (lots of different parts to mow between landscaping areas, fences, woods...) and needs a selfpropelled!!!
Come on buddy, a sign post maybe, but a billboard?! (Hardy, har, har!) Had to raz you. The reason I looked over so much at you when we were running was to make sure you didn't get sucked out like an empty bag of chips! (LOL!) We both know I do not have such a problem. (This chip bag very full!):) Good luck and be safe on your trip

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