Eagle/Lowrance finders - looking for advice

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Bruce Yeaton

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
An early Happy New Year to everyone!

It's that time of year again to start research on my upgrades to the boat for the upcoming fishing season. Electronics is my weakest area, so I'm focusing on that this year. The Garmin 160 will replace the 'bird on the bow, and I need to replace the Garmin at the console...

I'm looking for feedback/info on the Eagle Fish Elite 480 and Lowrance LMS480M. Aside of power, I don't see much difference in either models except the price tag. Is the power diff.(1500W - 4000W) worth $100? I don't fish large lakes usually, but will hit one or two a couple times a year.

GPS, maps, WAAS, etc. is all new to me. Can anyone give me some details on what to look for? What can I do with this stuff? Can I create my own maps for my local lakes?

Thanks - Have a safe holiday!
The Lowrance usint has an electronic flasher built in, the Eagle does not. The higher the power the better seperation of detail also. Both units will do you right.

As for mapping your own lake, you will need more than the unit itself. Make sure you (and anyone else) takes a look at the tutorials on the Lowrance website. Great for beginners and old farts (like me) alike.


Im getting ready to do the same thing myself. Im planning on replacing my garmin at the console with either a Lowrance x15 or lms 480, im not sure how much i want to spend. I also plan to replace the Garmin on the bow with a x100 color.

Like Mini said power does make a difference, its very important on the deep lakes we fish up here. It also seems to me that the eagle units are last years lowrance units with some features taken out, like the flasher and less power. Both are fine units but id go with the lowrance just for the extra featrures.
I looked at both you mentioned Jim and I am also unsure how much I want to spend. I'll stick with the Lowrance for the extra power.

Thanks guys
Doin ok Rick, still looking for work.


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