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Randy Walls

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys I am picking up my new Durango today and want to know what, if any, problems any of you may have had with yours over the last two years? I know I have other sites I could go to but you guys are towing aluminum like me (Trackers) and in some dark cases fiberglass .... I also trust your opinions.:huh:

By the way, Yes, that thing has a HEMI!:D

Now worried about the towing capacity or anything like that just the other stuff. A lady in my office has one a year old and it is rusting by the fascia above the license plate already. My F-150 I just turned in never rusted, handled and ran like a dream.

Thanks in advance!:)
My best friend had one shift in to low 4 wheel drive at 70 mph, needless to say a lot of metal was lost on the gears and it did finally engage at 50 or so and basiclly stoped the truck and locked the transfer and transmission. with all of 21 miles on it.. he refused to accept it back after the dealer fixxed it, but he now loves his explorer.
I had an 04 with a Hemi and every option Chrysler offered and had no problems with it towing my Ranger couldn't even tell it was there. I got rid of it because my son said it looked like a mini van and I wanted a convertable :p

Good luck!

Cass :D
I think the Durangos have improved in quality over the years. I think the older ones had alot of issues but I haven't heard much about the newer ones. Hope you have a fat pocket for that HEMI. I had a Jeep with a HEMI and averaged 9 to 10 mpg in town. I didn't get much better with its replacement but I knew that going into it. Just had to have it and picked it up yesterday. Wonder when I will get my lecture from Rich............:p
So what did you buy Teri?

9-10 in town is brutal. Im surpised the Jeep GC with the hemi does that bad. Dosent the sticker say like 14-19 or 15-20 something like that? 9-10 makes the 12 i got in my Dakota when i had it look pretty ok.

I still cant believe the milage my new Chevy gets. 15 town 20 freeway is pretty darn good for a fullsize 4wd in my book :) And since i have only like 2400 miles on it it should get better as the motor breaks in more.

Tee, id bet they are sill zerkless. Seems that everybody is going for that greased for life stuff now. Im sure its to cut costs and they figure most people dont grease them anyway. shoot the dealers dont even do it. A buddy of mine had his 98 chevy dealer serviced for the first three years he had it and when the ball joints were gone they tried to deny warranty because they had never been greased. They actually had the nerve to ask him if he ever thought to grease the front end. Then he waved the three years worth of recipts for oil changes and chassis lubes that he paid the dealer to do. Thier tune changed really quick from blame to kiss A**. Gm's are the only truck i know of that still has fittings. My buddy's 05 ford 250 is completly zerk free and after only 15k his ball joints are spent. My old mans 95 bronco didnt have a single zerk on it either. Stupid if you ask me.
I guess I could have asked before but I have no issues with the styling , power or anything else for that matter. Just wanted to keep an eye out for a few things. Took it our tonight to get ready the last minute things before the tourny and she flies with the boat behind her, a TV-18 with a 115 opti.

Yes Teri I can handle the gas as this is all company on this one. They are one of my sponsors and pay for the truck, all gas, repairs, maintenance ... the whole boat sort to speak!

They just require I show back up to work on Mondays and put some picture in the company newsletter once in a while. Local papers too!

ONe more thing Teri and I don't know if it will matter when I am towing but when cruising on the highway it shuts off four cylinders and runs on the other four until it needs them. Most of my driving is highway and I figure this will increase whatever is on the sticker since most people drive about 70%+ in the city and I am backwards on that one.

Thanks ;)