Drug problem

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
My generation just might have been lucky. I had a drug problem when I was

young, but I turned out all right.

I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for wedding and

funerals. I was drug to family reunions no matter the weather. I was drug to

the bus stop to go to school every weekday I was drug by my ears when I was

disrespectful to adults and teachers. I was also drug to the woodshed when I

disobeyed my parents.

Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything

I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin, and

if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America might be a better



Older 'n Dirt

For me You can add I was drug outside and forced to do manual farm work alongside my father.LOL


Or scooping out crib corn...oh my achin back.......or de-tasseling corn, or walking beans.......My opinion,....it builds charchater.

Bustin concreate with a sledge and or breaking bar....
As a teenager, I was drug to San Antonio,TX in July and August to spread roofing tar on flat tin roofs. Talk about HOT! Anyone ever had tennis shoes melt......while wearing them?

And once you got drug by the ear, I had to go pick my own "switch" too! Got "smart" one day and figured...."hey, a willow tree, they're flexible. It won't hurt right?" LOL And THAT was my first encounter with a makeshift bullwhip! OUCH!
I tried to get a dead stick one time, and my grandpa said, "You want ME to go pick out another willow?" So I went back out and got a "good one".

I remember the willow incident clearly. He always said, "This is gonna hurt me more than it will you." But he didn't say that with the willow.....he musta knew it wasn't even CLOSE! LOL And he went easy on me for my ignorance and only gave me three whacks. I still slept on my stomach that night! LOL

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