Dowco Cover

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Wanted to let everyone know how dissappointed I am with the Dowco mooring and travel cover I bought. If I hadn't picked it up off of ebay (new, unopened in the box) for a song, I would have sent it back. Dang thing leaks at every seam. Took it off after a rain and there were driplines along every seam. Gotta take the seats off (no big deal) but you have to lay them both on the front deck or water puddles up. Yeah I got it on right and the straps are tight. I would not trailer with it on either. My neighbor has an aftermarket cover (blue color) that is padded better and has better strapping. Bottom line is that the Dowco is really no better than the cheapie storage cover that came with the boat.


As a fix for the leaking, you can buy some tent seam sealer. Will stop the drips at the seams.

Tox, Is this the cover with the Nitro logo on it? I have two of them, No problems so far
Hey Carlos, Look forward to seein' ya' in a week. Have a good Thanksgiving! KB
Yeah it is the cover with the NITRO on the side but leaking right out of the box??? C'mon!! I think these covers retail for 300 bucks. They can't seal a seam at the factory?? Sounds like a government contract!! I'll buy some seam sealer...I actually think I have some.....KB, does yours pool water on the front deck?

Snowman, you suggesting it is a problem with the cover?

I'm suggesting that it shouldn't be doing what you're suggesting that it's doing. As for "pooling water", if you're referring to the weight of the cover and water making a pool, then yes, all covers do that. You have to put something on the front deck to make the center higher than the gunwale. I don't care how tight you pull the cover, you can't overcome physics.
The cover i have is different, it only pools where the other console should be. otherwise its tight as a tick
On my 901, I use an empty milk crate up front next to the trolling motor. I also lay the front seat such that the seat is in front of the driver's console.

For the rear, I have two rubber bassboat fenders that I position at the outer edges of the rear deck lid.

With these few things in their proper place, I can pull my cover tight and the rain runs off. If I screw up and allow the water to puddle, I get water leakage.

Hope this helps!

I agree with you toxic the dowco cover is a piece of garbage . The nitro 9 series cover isn't much better in my opinion. Fortunately or unfortunately however you look at it my team cover was stolen the first year I had my boat. I used the insurance money to replace it with a aurora cover. I
Hmmmmmm...well, Looks like it's back to the "rack em' and stack'em" method of boat covers. Dang, I thought I was gonna get away from stacking crap under my cover. And it should not pool Mike...The gunwale is higher than the deck and the cover goes over the gunwale. It should be able to be pulled tight enough to keep a kiddie pool off the deck!! And the seams shouldn't leak!! What the heck do you buy it for in the first place?!?! Just venting.....

Thanks Tom....NOW you tell me!!LOL

Toxic.. man let's review this...

If the gunwale is 3 inches above the deck height, if you pulled the fabric PERFECTLY tight, gravity would still make for a small dimple. That dimple picks up a little water. The water makes it heavier there, the fabric stretches a little, more water puddles. The weight is now more than the straps are meant to hold, so instead of the cover ripping, the straps back off a little.

Understand that a cover is to REPEL water, and WILL absorb water if water is left to pool on it.

Are you just not getting it, or are you just trying to be difficult? The cover is NOT meant to carry water. It's meant to COVER the boat.
good point mike. Even though my cover fits like a glove I still have some water pooling up . What I do over the winter is that over my aurora caover I put two or three blue plastic tarps which I get as tight as possible .Over the course of the winter I still have to bail the puddles that form in the cover and if this winter is like the last one I'll have to shovel the snow off the cover as well
Mike, I get it but that doesn't mean I like it. I dont buy a cover to "repel" water, I buy it to keep the water out. That includes along the seams. My point is that I got just as good of protection with a $59.95 cover as I do with a $300 cover. What is wrong with THAT picture? I can live with the puddles as long as my deck is dry when I take it off. Is that really too much to ask for? Not in my book. Everywhere the cover touches something stacked under it to angle the watter's gonna leak in my experience. That's why I forked out some more money for what I thought was a better cover. I'm not being difficult. I expect more for my money than that.

Tox--I was always told that covers need to be breathable to let moisture out.If it is completly sealed,it will get funky smellin' real quick.

I keep my boat outside and have learned just the right way to keep it dry.I put the regular fishing seat on the front deck with the back up and turned towards the trolling motor.I put the back up on the drivers seat,and the passangers seatback down.And the rear deck seat is folded down.Pull the straps tight,and there is nowhere for the water to pool up.I can leave it like this over winter and not get a drop of water.

You could also go to Wally-World and buy two or three of those giant balls,hide them from the kids,and throw them on the deck before you put the cover on.


P.s. Did you ever see a tent with a flat roof?

There's a reason for that.........
Tox, you paid extra for a cover that's "custom" for your model of boat. You also paid for the neat logos and stuff. A generic cover is usually not made of as good of material, not the $100 version anyway. My "team" cover has tarp material in those areas (like the back corners) where water generally pools up.

Steve, good one on the flat-roofed tents... go git 'em :)
My 59.95 cover was "custom" made for my boat. The $300 cover leaks on the seams that are angled (just like a tent). And my tent doesn't leak on the seams if yours does, get a new tent. I did not pay for "neat logo's...I would have prefered it didn't have the cheap iron-on type. Thicker material does no good if it leaks. I can't do anything with my seats because the cover is "custom"...they have to come off, period. I hate to break it to ya but all of these guys that are buying plastic tarps and multiple covers are trying to "seal" them tight....can't be done. Shrinkwrap maybe....It's gonna get "funky" because THERE'S WATER UNDER THE COVER!!

You guys can be happy with your leaky each his own. I'm not.

Mike--I didn't mean it as a smart azz remark.I was just trying to say that the water needs to run off or covers will leak.Most are made so that any trapped moisture can get out.If moisture can get out,it will also get in if given a chance.

Tox-I didn't realize that the cover fit so tight that it couldn't be "tented" up.

Just trying to help.

Gone for a week and we have 20 posts on a Dowco cover now HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH

Look forward to the Mini rally next weekend also KB!!!!!!!


PS Steve, that reminds me of the saying "Little people should not get in the way of wrestling behemoths" Not that you are little and the other two are big or anything :)
Thanks Carlos,the wife keeps telling me I'm getting fatter.I'll take that as a compliment.LOL

Tox--I know what you mean about having a perfectly dry boat.A buddy of mine has one for his ski boat that is lined and has built in vents.It weighs a ton and cost around a gazillion dollars.He takes it to the marina to get some kind of waterproofing put on it every year.

Tox - Try laying a seat on its side with the seat in close proximity of each seat mounting hole. Then pull the cover over and adjust equally over both sides of the hull, making sure the T/M is centered in its boot. (I put a small tupperware bowl over my T/M props to keep the blade from cutting into the cover when cinched.) Tighten buckled straps flat around trailer frame evenly, then go around the cover again, pulling the straps very taught. When storing, elevate dolly jack to a sharp bow rise position allowing drainage, front to back. (Remember to pull the bilge plug to air it out, too.) After a couple on and offs it will pretty well lay into the same shape, making the whole ordeal easier and faster.

I've stowed boats and trailered them up to 20,000 miles a year, with the gray Dowco covers on dual console Nitros covered as described above, without any problems that wasn't self inflicted. (LOL!) As long as the water is kept from standing it should remain dry. The past several Nitros I've had came with the black and white Tournament series covers. They've been fantastic, especially on the road. If you can get a refund you might want to check into one of them instead. IMHO
Wow, just after getting on Tox's case, I went out this morning and my cover was holding several gallons of water pooled up. Of course, rain wasn't in the forecast and I had unhooked half of the straps on one side so I could access the console... I guess that goes under Dan's "self-inflicted" theory :)
WOW! after reading all this I'm glad I'm hanging in there with the $49.95 Acadmey cheapo supremo. It works just as good. I did do the $9.97 Wal-Mart tarp upgrade with enough bungee cords to prevent Space Shuttle liftoff. I should be in the garage soon...spring maybe. Problem is, if it's nice enough to work on the garage, my butt is on the water. At least football season is winding down so I have twice as much time to feel guilty about not doing any thing around the house. Fishing and Football...what else is there in life?


Oh yea...for the price of some of the more expensive covers, you can buy a "portable garage" (Cover-it Shelter) and keep it in there and not have to use a cover. Just a thought...cause that's where my boat is all year round.

Bob G.
heck- my boat is in the boathouse now.... at least until I get it home and put my cheapo $50 cover over it. My first cover lasted 2 years before it ripped apart under last year's snow load.

Ok, Ok, I was a little harsh...It's not like there are gallons of water pouring in.....but the seams do leak. I can position both seats (on their sides) to keep most of the pooling out. Won't need any extra tarps, tupperware, kids balls or Mike Snow on my deck to keep the water out. Looks to me like if you can keep the pool down to a quart or harm, no foul. More than that and the tarp stretches....not good in the winter or cold weather (won't bounce back). I will not take it back, but I won't travel with it on either.


I got a pretty high speed cover with the baot when I bought it from JR. Even with it being a pretty nice one, I would not trailer with it on. Too many marks and rubs.

I need to waterproof the semas on this one as I have a couple of spots where they are leaking a bit.

I am SO looking forward to next Saturday!!!!!!


If you want to trailer your rig with your cover (almost any brand) use a "beach towel buffer". After a detailing, I've used a beach towel accross the main areas (front gunnels draped, rear deck at turns spread out) and another accross the consoles before covering. (Five cheap large towels in total.) When arriving, a quick $2 at the car wash on the hull and trailer and it's back to new with no scuffs or rubs.