dog question

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Our 4 legged children/friends sometimes are as if not more expensive to keep healthy then kids. I don't recall having nearly as much on my own son's medical care but he has made up for it in vehicles. LOL

Because we live in two different places during the year we use two vets. During the winter we go to what I call a "designer" vet, they are expensive and use all of the newest technologies. Their service and care is second to none I have no complaints other then prices are silly. Last summer I took one of our cats to the summer vet for a dental cleaning and 3 teeth extracted I spent $280. Just last month I had another cat at the designer vet and paid $960 for a dental cleaning and 6 teeth extracted, oh and did I mention that was after the $379 of tests she got before the cleaning. Quite a bit of difference in prices between the two facilities.

I will say that I consider us to be lucky to have the quality veterinary services available that we do here, it saved our little dog's life where I feel that if we were any where else I doubt he would be with us today. 3 years ago I awoke to our little fella in a coma and the 1st vet we took him to didn't think he would make it through the morning but was able to stabilize him and advised us that the required 24 hr care and someone to figure out what is wrong with him. We took him to Tufts in Grafton, MA which is one of the top facilities in the country. To keep a very long story short 8 days at Tufts, a surgery, 6 additional visits for follow up treatment and $8000 later we had a cured healthy 12 pound little monster.

As for the tests, even the designer vet does not force us to have another test run for heartworms but our dog is an inside dog. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

Cass :)

Just do it yourself as far as inspection.....unless it's very small dog like mine, some parasites can't be detected by the human eye.
Personally, I don't think that he is for something out of the ordinary - on the 'parasite' test. However, it's new to me about testing a dog for heartworms, when they've been on the medicine.

Having said that, med's don't always work. If you dog stays outside and you are in a mosquito prone area, it may not be that bad of an idea to get your pet checked once a year.

Our two dogs need to be tested every year for heartworm even though they're on the preventative pills. As TT noted, the pills aren't 100% - more like 99%. Plus some folks aren't consistent in dosing their pups once a month. Couple that with the fact that putting a dog on heartworm pills if they already have heartworms can cause some pretty severe reactions and you can see why vets require the test. Imagine having your dog keel over dead after taking the pills and the vet not having done the blood test first. I'd hate to be that vet!!

As for the poop test - its up to you. Yes, its precisely to check for internal parasites or their eggs which are not visible to the naked eye. Unlike the blood test, the poop test isn't tied to any season meds so you can skip it if you want.

If my Scottie tears up my wifes flower bed one more time, heartworms will be the least of his problems.:rolleyes:

Put some red pepper around the flowers Harpo...that'll keep him away;)
I know how attached some people get to their pets, I'm not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I like pets. We have a 10 month old cat (my wife's idea, I prefer dogs). It has always been made clear in our house if the vet bill exceeds the cost to adopt and fix another "healthy"'s out with the old and in with the new.

My vet requires a blood test each year as well for heartworm before giving me the meds for the year. I think they just want to be sure the dog is worm free. If not, then the bill gets MUCH higher, trust me, I've been there. As for the fecal test, NO, not annually. I've only had them suggest that when the dog was ill.
I asked my vet about this test for my Lab.He said since I give him the hart-worm medication every month the test is not necessary. But another vet told me it was. I think the one vet just wanted the ;)business. bill