Does It Hurt?

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lee dustin

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I am always very cautious about boarding my boat when it is out of the water, I'm afraid the boat could be damaged by my weight (200 lb) while the boat is on the trailer. Am I just being paranoid or can the boat be hurt by having people in it while it is on the trailer? My boat is a 2004 PT 175.


Lee - You are paranoid! Sorry, but you wanted to know! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::blink::blink:
You'll just hurt it's feelings by not having it in the water.
I hope not...this time of year I like to sit in mine and make BRRRRRRRRRRM BRRRRRRRRRRM noises with my lips.

You'll be alright with your if it were a glass boat there might be a problem.:rolleyes:

I was 200 now 250 Up and Down..If It ever hurts the boat I am going to take It Quail Hunting In Texas...:D:D:D:D:D JR Vote for Hillary!!!!!!!!
Nope, shouldnt be a problem at all. Should be able to handle jumping jacks in it. Now, if it was "Tin" (This one is for Sooner) you could always get under the boat where it may have been damaged, scrape the paint off, take one or two Crushed Beers cans out and replace with the empties from the shore lunch the day prior and re-paint!! :p

Max <><
I sit in mine once in a while,and pitch jigs into cup/cans all over the garage:wacko:
I don't think it will hurt the rig at all. As far as "vote for Hillary" Your out of your mind!!!!
I'm like Harpo...

I sit in mine and make motor noises all the time...
Jr can vote for her if he wants, I just want to know why anybody would hunt for Dan Quail? Besides he don't live in Texas anyway. OH I remember Quail was a Hoosire just like JR or maybe he is JR and figures he can have his shot next.....LOL

If I may make a recommendation...this may help. The welds on the supports under the rod locker lids and dry storage are very weak to say the least so I reinforced all mine so far except the front storage, the two rear compartments and battery compartment lid.

I used heavy duty rivets with an aluminum reinforcement bracket underneath....elephant proof now. Very weak design IMHO:(

YOU DA MAN, My 06 PT175 has the same issue weak lids. Im thinking of dooing th same thing.

I sit im my boat and make BRRRRM noises to. My wife is going to send me to the shrink:p
I only had to put about 4 in each one of the rod lockers but, the dry strorage lid I cut a 1/4" pices of aluminum out in the center to go around the exsisting chinsy support and took it out within about 3/4" away from the edges and put 4 rivets on the outside edeges and two offset in the center and it turned out great. At first I was worried about em' leakin' or being able to see them but, it's not really an issue and they are stronger now.

And I only weigh 170 lbs:eek:
Since we are way off track already. Tee and Jaws should see my well cover. The Jersey boys won't understand but how many remember what a pump house was? When I moved in here almost 10 years ago the cover for the pump house was a stainless steel freezer door.. There was a concrete pad poured around the hand dug well and the pump was in the cellar. Last year I made a cover for the pit, it's all tin and even stands up to Rangers............LOL

From what Ive seen in the past, The fixes we do are much better than dealer fixes. If I can fix something I will, this way I know its done right and I dont have to worry about it. Its just a shame that they dont put these things together better. But what can you expect for the price:blink:

I am waiting to see how long the new lids on my 06 last, they reconfigured the front deck for this year and its nice and big but the covers are a little flimsy. I am hopeing that it will last for a while.
