Does anyone work for AOL?

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
If so plz let me know, i have a question for you.
I have some connections at AOL. If your question is technical in nature, I may be able to help.
I applied for a job there one time...does that count?:unsure:

I don't work for AOL... But, I stayed in a Holiday Inn Expresss last night...
Is the question "are you ever going to remove your head from your... "? :) They don't have an answer for that one, I've asked.

its a very long story and i am NOT going to explain it all here for the world to read. If your just itching to me and i'll think about typing you a 15 page email explaining all of it ;)
Hmmmm, I'm guessing you have a question either about checking someone's identity or about email. In any event, whatever the question, knowing you through this site, one thing is for sure ... it either involves fishing or a girl and I am guessing the latter. ;)

How close am I?

Bill, The Mad Kayaker

I don't think anyone would admit to working for AOhell, ha ha.
It is checking an identity.

I recieved some Instant Messages from a person that were rather threatening and just all out rude. There is a story behind it...long...They never would tell me who it was so I'd like to find out if it someone I know or not.
What was the screen name, BJ?


It takes a real coward to hide behind the anonimity of the internet.
I would contact AOL and tell them that this member is harassing you. If nothing else they will get a warning from AOL or they will ban that username.

I've gotten onto AOL but cant find where to report them at. I used to have aol and there was a place on the homepage thing to report someone like this. Now I cant find it.

BJ, if you find someone and they look that info up for you, it'll probably cost them their job.
I dont necisarily care if they tell me who it is. I just want to report their Screen Name to AOL so they can take whatever actions they wnat.

BJ - the times I have been replying to your off-topic posts I think I have been pretty accurate in knowing what you've been up to, right?

If you want to know who it is, I am pretty sure I can figure that out and other info and even do some malicious things but before you go off in that direction, I can tell you that it is probably someone from your school or one ring outside your circle of friends who is having sick fun at your expense.

The better thing would be to forget about it and block the person from sending you IM's. This will get them more upset than anything else. You will find that the world is made up of all kinds of people. You can't control what they do, but you can control yourself.

Boy, before there was the internet and IM, we had prank phone calls, followed by stand-offs and knife fights, shovels, searched for bodies, court arraignments, prison time, etc... but I digress. See how technology has changed the world? You can avoid all that and just hash it out on a computer without resulting in prison time. heh heh heh heh

Bill, the Mad Kayaker
Bill, its really what i've said. I had a guy harrass me. It was over a fairly small thing. I just want AOL to know so they can warn him. Nothing more than that. Just a little vengence for taking my time. ;)

I have blocked this person, and a few others that may or may not had anything to do with it.

I just want to know how to contact AOL and give them this person's Screen Name. If they tell me their name, great, if they dont, i dont care.
