do you have a horn?

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mike chip

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I was talking to a friend of mine and i found out his boat has a horn, just like a car. Does yours? Can you hear itfrom far away and where in you boat is it located, his is located by his feet so it has to be load at least for him.

I have a horn. In is located on the Master Control Panel with the rest of the controls. It is required by law to be a certain decibel level but I have never checked to see if it passes the decibel test. I always carry a bottled air horn with me in all my watercraft because it is loud enough to lose your hearing with.
I just have a whistle as required by law.

There is also a whistle clipped onto my life vest in case I ever go overboard.The whilste is much louder and takes less energy than shouting.

I installed a horn on mine so I wouldn't have to keep up with that air horn, which never seems to be easily at hand when needed. I still keep it aboard as a backup.
Coast guard regs require a horn or wistle of some type. there is a distance for how far away it has to be ale to be heard from( not sure of the number off the top of my head). My nitro has a built in horn and i also carry an aresol bullhorn type to be in regs. I dont think my built in horn can be heard for 10 feet never mind the distance required by regs.
Here's a quick tip: When your electric (12V) horn "goes belly-up", before replacing, check the connection on the leads, and if to no avail, reverse the +/- leads. Many times it will give you more life out of what you thought was a dead horn. (reversing the polarity)
My horn does not work most of the time so I got one of those USCG approved whistles at Wal-mart.

Bob G.
Boat has a horn and I carry a hand-held distress horn. Never needed either so far but glad I have them just in case.

Da Bear
Hey da. Have horn, compressed air horn, two whistles (one on PFD and one on boat keyring), flares (a requirement in Virginia based on size of boat) and a 2 million watt spotlight. In addition, carry spare oil, spark plugs, tools, small spare parts, light bulbs, fuses, duct (duck - quack quack) tape, electrical tape, tow rope, jumper cables, spare prop, spare TM prop and other assorted and asundry things.

How about you guys. What do you pack for the boat besides the fishin gear?
Yes I have a horn built In....HAve a cooler to....
No horn build into my Tracker, I have the compressed air one I keep in my emergency box.

Bill in VA - My PC 175 doesn't have enough room for all my tackle let alone "jumper cables, spare prop, spare TM prop" and a lot of the other stuff you have :) I carry electrical tape, adjustable wrench, leatherman, flash light, 2million light spot light, first aid kit, spare oil, spare buld/fuel line and thats about it other then my tackle.

Bill I carry a bunch of stuff other then tackle. i have never been standed on the water and i dont ever plan to be. The thing im missing that everybody tells me i need is a spare prop. If i hit something hard enough to ruin my stainless prop the gearcase if going to be junk anyway(been there done that got the t-shirt) so i dont bother.

here is my list. i cant wait to see neeley's


Fuses for fuse block and spares for finders etc

Tools, a craftsman socket/wrench/scrwedriver set that came in a nice pouch. Allen and torx sets to fit parts on my TM.

Tape, electrical and duct

Rope for docking or towing

Anchor and 75' of rope (required in these parts)


first aid kit



spark plugs

trim relay's

prop wrench and extra hub kit

jumper cables

throwable pfd (required)

hub cap for a 74 pinto

dock hook/push pole ( just plain handy)

change of clothes

bug spray


fenders for docking

spare tm prop and pins

extra truck keys


extra rain gear

im sure theres more but i cant think of it

And i still ahave room for my 14 rod and more tackle that ill ever need. Ah the benefits of fiberglass boats ;)

Dang.....I just carry a cane pole and some worms!!! Sometimes I throw an extra hook and fishing string!! LOL!!

Just kiddin'. I think I'll use Jim's list and add a few things to my boat this spring.

Jim, where'd you get the trim relays? That's a good idea right there.

Bob G.
Bob i got them at my dealer.
Thanks. I didn't know if they were available from an auto parts place.

Bob G.
Man, now to keep up with the competition I have to find a 74 Pinto hubcap for the boat. I'll try to find one with red hooks.

Da Bear
Yep . . . and occassionally I bump the switch with my knee. Other than that I've never used it.