Diesel $ ?

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Can anyone explain why diesel fuel is over a dollar more than un-leaded? A station in my neighborhood shows un-leaded for $2.19 and diesel for $3.49. I've even seen as high as $3.79. Normally I wouldn't even notice but my kid bought a diesel and of course I'm paying the bill.:angry:

You thinking of running your boat on Diesel??
That's some cheap diesel there..... And some cheap gas too. I haven't seen diesel for less than 2.99 in the Houston Area.

This time of year diesel prices always rise slightly due to heating oil demands. But this year it was exagerrated due to the hurricanes. I saw .80c hikes in 24hr periods for diesel a month ago. There is a fear of heating oil shortages due to the late switch overs, and lack of distillate inventory build ups. But i think we shall see the prices continue to fall in the short term.

Check that.....Sorry, the fingers just don't seem to be marching in step today.

Wow Harpo - $2.19 for regular, that is great, we're starting to come down, saw it for $2.64 last night. Don't know about Diesel.
Well that's more like it for diesel. Still very cheap gas you got there.

Today heating oil closed at 1.90, diesel mirros this price, gas closes at 1.63. That difference should be the same at the station.

You probably seeing a station that does not sell a lot of diesel and is unwilling to sell for less than he bought it.

Wed report showed distallate invetories declining and gasoline stocks gaining.
Yeah, the local news was talking about how we are one of the cheapest places in the nation on gas prices. It did spike up for the Wilma scare to $2.29 to $2.34 but droped back down again. I've seen it as low as $2.15 at places like 7-11 and Wal-Mart.

Sad that we're talking about +$2 gas like it's some sort of bargin.:wacko:

Harpo - I was NICE last year when GA was one of the cheapest, and the answer they gave us last few years was that GA has one of the lowest State Gas taxes in the country. So tell me again what changed since the Tax didn't go up?? LOL
Don't know about cost of diesel, but our unleaded gas just dropped to $2.65 two days ago here.
here in my area gas is down to 2.56 a gallon diesel is 3.74 a gallon I told my wife that after gas here went to 3.44 agallon because of the so called shortage they would drop it down to around 2.50 and people would think they were getting a good deal we are all going to be paying for the high diesel because around here it is harvest time and most farmers use diesel equipment and dont forget everything that is deliverd by truck

Update: Gas dropped to $2.55 today. It's a dream come true! lol :rolleyes:
Regular here is $2.39. The whole thing with Diesel is demand. It is actually cheaper to refine. Throw a little fryer grease in there!!LOL!! Bio-diesel!!

I hate to rub your noses in it but gas here in OKC went down again tonight to......$2.13.:p

I'll let you know when it gets below 2 bucks.

Seems to me that the trucking industry would place enough demand to keep the diesel prices low. I'd be happy to run bio-diesel. If it's good enough for Willie....it's good enough for me.

Your state must have lifted the state tax, or they never had state tax for gas.
When gas prices were up around $3 there was a proposal to waive the gasoline tax but as far as I know that idea is still flopping around at the Capital. I wasn't sure what the tax was so I did a Google search and found this chart. It show the gasoline and diesel taxes plus other taxes levied in each state. Interesting reading.

Station on the corner now $2.11 just in case you want to drive to Okla to fill up.;) If you do I'll take you out for a Chicken Fried Steak.:lol:

It is $2.07 on the north side of Edmond tonight. I am sure it will go back up as the holidays approach though, it always does.
Our gas dropped to $2.46 yesterday! heck, we feel like they're giving it away now, lol. I've got a 1/4 tank of gas in my truck...now the dilemma of waiting to see if the price drops further before I fill up. usually though, I wait just long enough for it jump back up :rolleyes: