details on nitro boat warranty

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guy mcguire

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
details on the nitro.

i noticed small star shaped cracking on the bottom of the boat after the first summer,and they keep getting biger and this point their are several of them all in the front of the hull.if u lay underneth it and look, they are all in a straight line with eachother from one side to the other.between each of the ribs

problem #2 early last spring i was running through a channel making a sharp turn and the steering wheel broke loose and droped down. it did not break completly off so i was able to get back. to the repair shop i went.he is the best around and does know what he is doing.we contacted nitro and after a month we got the ok, but once he got the boat i had him check it over.thats when we found a hole in the front center hatch. it was about a foot square and u could see the bottom of the that hatch i kept the tool box and most of the heavy stuff. the bouncing of the gear is probably what caused it,but the repair man said that it should not happen.the fiberglass bottom in the hatch was breaking all the way around the inside.that put a hold on the repairs until i was informed it was going back to the factory for the repairs, about three months later.

like i said before i am not bashing nitros. none of my other ones done this, and the repair shop says it shound not be comming apart like this.this boat also has areas where the fiberglass layers did not bond together and you can pull them apart with hands.the factory rep i talk to told me that some of this normal and not to worry about it.i dont think so. so here i am waiting to here something from them again.i think i will give it a week or so and go back to calling every couple of days to see whats happening.i will keep updating this as things happen.

Are you dealing with a Nitro dealer or directly with the factory?
Someone a few weeks ago supplied the name of the Pres. of Tracker Marine customer support. Try a search on the web site for warranty issues or nitro / tracker issues. I would contact him directly. I had an issue back in 99 and he took care of me.

good luck.