Definition of a good tourney partner.....

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
A good tourney partner is always there to help, allows you to crash at their place and feeds you. A good tourney partner always offers to pitch in for gas (and if you not quick enough, the sneaky hick will pay for more than their share while your still pumping). A good tourney partner doesn't clutter the boat, but brings tackle you don't have and holds their own weight with fish for the day. A good partner is adept with the net and does not knock off fish. but MOST importantly, a REALLY good tourney partner knows exactly when you need a really good laugh and will "accidentally" inflate their SOSpenders in the back of the boat and ride around all day at 60 mph with bright orange, jugular restricting, wind catching, inflated, SOSpenders on! LOL

Yeah, Buzz and I had a good day yesterday, just not quite good enough to finish in the money. We had 8 fish (a limit) one died, took the hook too deep, but we weighed in 21.95, after the penalty 21.70 lbs. We had 2 small fish we couldn't cull out for the life of us. 32 lbs won it. Now this time last year, we only weighed 19+ lbs and got 6th and a check. But the notably better anglers were not present at that tourney. This year brought out Champlain's finest. Mike Leblanc (a now FLW pro) and his partner Jim Neidlinger (VT state team), Randy Savage (winner this time) and his partner Gille, they have won more tourneys out of Mallets than anyone I know. But there were several other good sticks out there that we had to compete against. At our first spot while I was fully concentrated on a lily pad stretch in front of me, I hear this very loud HISSSSSSSSSSS from the back. At first I thought we had viper stowed in one of my boxes or the gas tank was ready to blow (had never heard one of those SOS deploy before) and I turn around to see Buzz in a state of utter confusion looking around himself for the sound as he ALSO had apparently never seen this happen. Then within seconds Buzz's neck swelled up to a bright orange with SOSpenders working as a neck brace holding him TIGHT! LOL Note to Buzz, buy the next size up next time. Well I didn't have my other vest with me, I left it in the truck to make room, so he had to ride around with those on all day! LOL And BOY did they catch the wind! LOL LOL LOL. I started the mental countdown and sure enough, before our run back to weigh in, I hear this POP! And Buzz is back there grinning with his knife and a now very deflated pair of SOSpenders that were stabbed to death. We tried to find the release but couldn't so Buzz made one! LOL I am happy with our performance though, we fished hard and did well, just not well enough this time around. There were a LOT of big bags weighed in. If you took our best 5 fish, we were somewhere around 15-16 lbs which would have made top 5 in the BFL a few weeks back. Buzz did catch the largest fish in our limit, a 3.6 smallie and I had a 3.5 LM nipping at him. Lunker for LM was a 6+ lber. The run back was rough. We have our OWN MM here, it's called Mallets bay on a sunny day. My back is sore to say the least. The Ranger ran like it should, perfect. Hope everyone had an equally great day.
Good story, Rob! Thinking of Buzz having to use his "stinger" to deflate the sospenders gives me a real chuckle!

Glad you guys had a good day!

The MM was not for the faint of heart yesterday.....I fished the Michgan Federation Classic Series tourney out of Eliz Park and we ran 157 miles (round trip, up the Detroit River, through St Clair and into the St Clair River) to make it back in time (one second to spare)......14.7 pounds (BB a 3.56 smallie) and a 5th place check, to my surprize. We had 17 pounds (BB 4.7 pound smallie) the day before for an 8th place finish and fisnished just out of the money. TOok 19.84 to win Sat and 19.25 to win Sun.

I fished with Chuck Economou......not a bad

Nice article Rob, and good luck sux getting laid off. I know.


And water here is warm by comparison to most years. 78 degrees which is rare. Last year the warmest I graphed was I think 70 or 71. The next 2 days will likely raise it another degree still. We tried to stop in the main lake to pump in cooler water! Not there, it was 75 in the main lake. I wish they had a quick attachement that was about 12 feet long to run a pipe down below the thermocline to bring up cooler water for the livewell. These fish were on bottom in 14' so were obviously in cooler water, as much as 10-15 degrees cooler. You can pump all the fresh water in you want, but if it's 15 degrees warmer, the fish won't do well. And our ice didn't last long in water that warm.
Do those long runs in Veeeery rough water beat the crap out of the fish in the well? Would it push any marginal fish over the line?

Mini, took a 5th place check?? SWEEEEET!!!..Now you can pay me back!!...LOL!!!...(J/ it when you have it!!)
Tox, yeah, it does beat them up and was what pushed that fish over. He was little peakid (sp?) when we started the run. At one point we had to stop for a bridge, and he was done.

Did you fish the tourney out of Malletts Bay? We had our state SQT for the RI Federation their Friday and Saturday. Wish I would have known.

Rob L
Yeah, and we heard about the fist fight you guys had with the locals! LOL We had cops at our tourney cause they thought we were the RI guys again! LOL What the h#!! happened there??? Tell ya what, if there was a tourney this coming weekend, I'd fish the WHOLE day at the docks in Mallets! LOL Right now, they're chocked FULL of toads! 3 full days of tourneys releasing there.

It was nice to see you at the weigh-in in your "subtle" Ranger shirt!! Just kidding ya! I stayed to the end of the weigh-in and three teams from our bass club cashed a check out of ten paying positions. I fished with Jim Neidlinger a few weeks ago in a club tourney and he is great fishing partner. He even let me catch a limit from the back of his boat! LOL

Bob G.
We had the police there on Friday and Saturday as well. As far as the alledged fist fight, the time the person said it happened, we weren't even there. There was a State Police officer there Saturday checking boats and he said he didn't here about the fist fight either. Just said a lot of locals complaining about us using and tying up the ramp. One of them being a guy who has a lot of money and influence in the town. I do know they had our president at the police staiton for over 2 hours over the incidenct. Know one was charged. All I can say is what a great fishery. I got screwed and had a lousy ride the first day and no ride the second day and had to sit in the hotel. We caught some awesome smallie during the week in practice. Hopefully the will still be there and I can get soem of them when I'm there for the Regionals next month.
Better hang on next month if you thought it was good now! Next month will scare you. Better beef up your lb test and hook setting arm, Sept is the "feed binge" month for toads going into fall. Takes 20+ lbs to win any tourney up here in Sept. You'd better have a sack full of 4+ lbers.

I've been thinking about this for the past 24 hours.....

I just gotta tell you.....

You got guts, Man!

You don't give up.

You hang in there regardless.

I admire you for your determination.

Thanks Scott. You gotta be tough and determined to fish tourneys. I can't tell you the number of times I wasn't doing well but kept at it and in the last hour or two of a tourney pulled together enough weight to make a check. That's the thrill, knowing that the very next cast could be lunker.