Deck Extension/Rod Storage

  • Thread starter Greg Neely [IMG]
  • Start date
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Greg Neely

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips on the Rod Socks. I bought what BPS had on the shelf in Katy and will order some more. They're not pretty but they seem to work. Remember: 'the boat don't catch the fish'.

I've fooled around with my wife's digital camera and took some pictures of the deck extension that I added to my PT 185. They may be attached here and they may not. If not, and anyone is interested, I know how to e-mail them and the recipe.

I bet Rich Stern doesn't know how to work a Log Log Decitrig Slide Rule.
I obviously don't know how to copy the photos, so go to my member gizmo and look in the library for a couple of photos.
Nice work! I sure enjoy the extra deck space/storage mine provides.
There aren't a lot of people around here who have ever even seen a slide rule! I was 23 when I bought my first pocket calculator - I think it was about $27 - in 1973.

I wonder what I did with the slide rules I used to have.......

Thanks for the memories. I've still got three slide rules. When I matriculated at THE UT (Tennessee '67), electric calculators were about the size of a concrete block and cost about a quarter's tuition - plus they weren't allowed in engineering classrooms. I showed one to a whippersnapper the other day and he wondered where the on/off switch was.

Did anyone notice the third seat has been removed in our boat to allow safer passage to the back pedestal and more storage space?

Furthermore, the rigs you see on deck make "contents coverage" insurance a real bargain if you lose one or more overboard - or to scalawags.
I noticed the missing middle seat, mine is coming out soon.

Good idea, it kinda made me squint when I had to step on the seat backs.

Here is another idea.

I plan to make a rocking chair out of it for my grandson.

When he comes over he and I can watch TV in our "favorite seats".


I remember as late as 1980, while doing some auditing, using an old hand-crank-to-perform-a-function adding machine!
Okay, I give... how did you support it and what did you use for materials? That looks like a REAL fine job you did. I'm assuming you've attached it so it doesn't fly off when trailering :)
Real nice job...

I too would be interested in the details.

I still have my K&E. Give it a little nose oil every once in awhile to keep it in tune.


I thought no one would ask. Here goes:

1. I had my dealer order the carpet($7.00/SY)from Tracker. It's a different lot and is newer so it's not quite a perfect match.

2. The deck itself is 1-1/8" studiboard (plywood). I put about a half dozen coats of polyurethane sealer on it. The carpet is attached, slowly, to the deck with contact cement and a roller.

3. I used 3 - 2"x2"x1/8" x 20" aluminum angles (Lowes or Home Depot, etc.)attached with 1/4" ss sheetmetal screws to forward storage box and 1/4" bolts through bolted with nuts and washers on rod locker sides. Pre-drill the angles at whatever spacing you feel comfortable with. I used 5 fastners per side. 'It ain't going nowhere without the rest of the boat, that's for sure.'

4. It takes a little trial and error to get it to flush out with existing surfaces on all 3 sides, so take your time. Use 2-sided tape and some temporary legs to level your support angles.

5. This was not a particularly hard project. The hardest part is laying upside down under the deck and attaching, with 1/4" ss wood screws, (through the pre-drilled holes in the angles) the deck to the angles. If you have to buy everything, it's less than a C-note. I found everything from scrap on my construction site except the carpet and ss fastners.

My wife and I think it adds greatly to the utility and even front deck safety of our boat, Try it, if you don't like it, unscrew it and throw it away. Plug the holes with carpet scraps and only you will know.
Any chance you can get pics of the underside of the extention?

And my first question.... Pic 2, by the pole seat; the hatch between the seat and the storage bin is what I meant.
Bruce, did you ever get pics of the underside of the extension? Also, I've got the dual console PT 185 and that storage hatch between the seat and the storage bin is part of the "delivered" product. I like Oldgringo's idea, just not sure if I want a storage box or just a deck. Decisions, decisions...