Dear Moron

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Michael Snow

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Dear Moron (self),

Yes, it's true that a Basscat will go through the neighbor's fence. And there may be more than one way for it to happen, but as I've learned, it doesn't necessarily mean any of those ways will make the neighbor happy.

She took it like a trooper though.

HOW you ask? Well, I had to turn the boat around in the driveway to hook it to the truck. I had JUST enough room to do it without the wheels coming off the driveway... well, ALMOST just enough... off the concrete pad it goes, down an incline, through the neighbor's fence. Luckily, the fence stopped it. Otherwise, I'd have been visiting her dining room.

Sincerely Yours,

Moron, Esq.
Jimney Crickets Mike!!!!

Hope that you are ok when that thing got away from you and that neighbor is ok.

Mess the boat up any???


I park my nitro on the turn-around at my house. There is a little hill directly behind it and one day I went to hook it up and found out that i only had once chock on one side of the trailer...and down intothe yard she has happened more than once....both times it stopped by the jack digging into the ground

Of course it prolly messed the boat you know how poorly those are made!! just kidding. My guess is the boat is perfectly fine!!!!

Ah Mike i now feel sorry for you....... nah!

Are you sure this was not due to the pop up axle feature on the Basscat? Maybe this boat is just plain too light for you. A Nitro would have bottomed on the axle and saved your neighbors fence. Obviously your jack does not act like a brake as does BJs, obviously the Nitro jack is superior. And one last note i think the Nitro is a faster downhill racer than the Basscat.

So did the neighbor notice your new boat? Did she comment how pretty it looked under the fence planks?
And I thought I felt like a moron when I jackknifed my rig while backing into the driveway and busted a tail light lens. $75 @ the salvage yard.

Geeeezzzz Michael, when did you change your name to Bill?

Sounds like something I would do:)

Hey, no one was hurt, the boats fine, and the ego will return.

Like I said in an earlier post:

"Mike Snow is a very fair person."

LOL! Even in self-evaluation!

You Moron!


How fast can a big man run chasing a boat and trailer down hill?


As if I hadn't some pretty stooopid things myself! You need to post that in Marke's "Stupid Ramp Stories" thread from a few years back!

Thanks for the story, Mike! I needed that!

You have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!

Sounds like when I once unooked the boat from the truck in the driveway thinking that the brakes would engage


and here I am hanging onto the tongue sliding down the driveway with my buns desperatly grabbing the blacktop, twords the garage door and my precious little jeep inside. Luckily I got it stopped, I make for a pretty hefty anchor. Gave all the neighbors a good laugh though!!

It was only 10' or so to the neighbor's fence, back end first. The tongue jack wheel was still on pavement or it might have helped. This is just another thing to add to my scrapbook of "Things That Prove I'm a Putz".

At least this thread won't get as long as Toxic's kissing post :).
Had something similar happen twice to me . The first time was with my truck ,I was at my parents house switching out universals on my driveshaft . I had the rear tires off the ground and the truck in neutral so I could turn the driveshaft as I worked. I was in a rush since I was going fishing the next day so as soon as I was done I kicked out the safety chock and quickly lowered the rear tires to the ground. Except I had left the truck in neutral and my parents driveway is on a hill . I had backed the truck up the driveway so as soon as the tires hit down the hill it headed with me hanging onto the back bumper screaming my head off. Luckily my mom
Thanks Mike, Thats the most exciting thing to happen on the board in months.....KB
My neighbor was bragging to me one day that she could back and load her boat by herself without the boyfriend's help. She got in her SUV and promptly backed into the traier tongue, pushed the boat over her 2X4 "chocks" and sent her runabout through her fence and into her pool. i never laughed so hard in my life (after I got back in the the house). Thanks for the memories Mike!
