Deadbeat Fishing Partners

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Carl Meyer

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
I am continually marvelled with today's vast technology that we have for fishing, yet I am constantly disappointed by the difference in people's attitudes today. What I am talking about is fishing with deadbeat partners. I remember when I was a young adult and didn't own a fishing boat - I still loved to fish,unfortunately for me it mostly from the bank or a fishing pier, and many times with a pair of waders. If I was ever fortunate enough to be invited to fish with a friend who had a boat, I considered it a privlege. I was raised to always pay my own way, and in those times that a friend was gratuitous enough to let me go with them,I always took it upon myself to pitch in for gas (boat and tow) as well as offer to bring some food or drinks at least for myself. I guess it is just not the same today. Since I bought a new boat this year, I have let a few acquaintances (no longer friends) go fishing with me over the last few months. Not only did they not offer to contribute one red cent for gas, they did not bring anything to eat or drink, even when I purposely (to kind of give them the hint when I noticed they didn't bring any) stopped on the way at Wally World to get some food, drinks and ice, and the gas station to gas up the Jeep and the boat. They just sat there and waited for me. So here is my question: if someone asks you if they can go fishing with you sometime (after they see your new boat) and you say yes, are you obligated to pay for everything? I am not the type to clear up things like this before hand, because I assume people are decent and expect to contribute. What have been your experiences in the past?

-Disappointed In Missouri
My position: If I invite you to be on my boat, I expect nothing from you except basic courtesy and willingness to follow captains orders regarding operation of the boat.

If someone asks to be taken fishing, then it depends on my relationship with that person. Family and longtime friends, I expect nothing from. If I can't spend my money on people I care about, what's the point? Casual friends and acquaintances, I would hope they would offer, but I don't get bent out of shape if they don't. They are simply less likely to be invited back if they don't show common courtesy, which doesn't even have to be an offer to pay anything. It can be sandwiches, coffee, donuts, etc.

Mostly, I don't worry about it too much.
I would always help pay for gas and get you food or soft drinks or something. Or bring you out to lunch afterwards. Thats what I would always do.....

Can't comment from experience about fish'n pawdners as I just bought my first boat yesterday BUT ever own a pool and have a bunch of people with thier kids over for a barbie. They bring thier suits but does anyone ever bring a towel? No, of course not. Rudeness is the nature of the beast. The mindset is "We are all owed something." Ol' lucky you just happened to be the provider. After all, how can people think about others when they spend all thier time just think'n about thier self. I'll get off my soap box now. thanks, Wendell
It is a difficult question... Or, more aptly stated, a difficult answer. First, most of the "no-pays" aren't deadbeats as musch as they are unaware or ignorant as to the cost of the endeavor... Next, someone who has been invited to participate usually comes along with the guest mentality...

Now, those of us who own and operate boats know the nickel and dime you to death role a boat plays in life... We would never consider going without contributing... Whether I buy breakfast, provide lunch or buy the bait and snacks.. I always "contribute" and at the end of the day I always suggest we hit the gas station on the way home so I can contribute (if I wasn't there in the morning or you refused to let me pay then)...

Finally, I think with regular "partners" you can discuss and establish a pattern... I know I always split the days cost with my regular partners, we just do it that way... Oh, there are exceptions, I have one friend, a good one, who is living on a Veterans Disability pension... When he is up to it and goes... he is my guest... I owe him my life.. he fishes for free, now and forever...

So, you are just going to have to be up front with those who you fish with... discuss the arrangements and most people will understand. Try this approach... "we both can fish more often if we share some of the expenses...
It depends on the situation. When I took the two owners of the company I used to work for fishing and they sat on their wallets while gassed up both boat and car and reminded me to get some ice and then with a laugh made sure I wasn't using the company credit card I thought, you guys better have fun today because it'll be the last *#@~^% time. However, when my daughters boyfriend goes with me it doesn't bother me at all that he doesn't chip. I know he doesn't make a lot of money, he always bring his own grub, uses his own tackle and he is very eager to help with the launching and cleaning up the boat afterwards ect.

I always contribute when I am a guest, and that includes gas, food, help cleaning up, and maybe beers afterwards.

Sometimes it's accepted, most times my true friends say "don't worry about it" but I still try and sneak my credit card in the gas pump when we stop on the way.

If my friends won't accept money, I pay back them back in other ways....invites to Camp Neeley, having them over to my house for b-b-q and beers, etc.

And I owe Mac and Mini a BIIIIG apology....Mini took me out in Mac's boat last week, and due to the fact that Mac and Mini had plans immediately afterwards, I wasn't able to buy them dinner and I completely forgot to give them gas money....sorry buds, it's been bothering me ever since and I owe you one!!!
You know, that is exactly it with me, it's not a matter of simple economics, it's the attitude. If they had at least offered something, I would feel better about it. I genuinely think they do not feel like they owe me one. Sounds like maybe I need to get around a better class of fisherman, like you all here at the forum!
I agree 100 per cent. Before I had a boat I would chip in for gas etc.. And how about the ones who are fortuneate enough to be asked to go fishing with you, and then be late for pick up !!!

Ive got 2 real good partners. They ALWAYS pay at least their own way. And they both volunteer to pay the launch fee. And I never have to wait, they even bring me coffee in the morning !!
my 2 cents, I just thank God I get a chance to be on the water, doin what i love to do, and blessed enough to get to share it with friends... if someone chips in and helps out, that is great - but for me fishing is an opportunity to share what I love with others! I'm going to pay the price one way or another to be out there doing it, and to share it with a friend makes it a great investment!


aka David Munaretto

I thankfully havent really run into this much. Most of the people i fish with on a regular basis are either very close friends or family. My friends i take are close friends that i have known for many years. They are always there for me when i need them for anything and i dont want or expect them to chip in when i take them out, they are my guest. They always try to chip in but i never let them, these guys are my true friends and i dont want thier money. My tournament partner and i switch off boats when we go together. We take as many trips in his boat as we do mine so it all works out in the end not that a few bucks either way matters to either of us, we are close friends and it have never been an issue. Then there is my Father who always tries to pay for everything and i dont want him to, i have to conspire with my Mother clean out his wallet before i take him out so he cant pay. He has done enough for me in my life already, he dosent have to pay my fishing expenses too when he comes with me.

If im fishing a draw tourney with someone i dont know or a acquaintance from the loacl fed or trail i would expect them to chip in for gas and i always do when im a non boater.
I don't think most non-boaters have a clue as to what it costs to keep our toys running - especially the way boats drink gas.

I've always spent the majority of my time fishing alone; can't stand to share my private space with someone who's company I don't really enjoy. When someone I wouldn't mormally invite would ask, I'd say "sure" and then never quite get around to extending the invite further.....

My group of good friends are all in the same financial position; none of us have much money to spare. We are all used to pitching in for pot-luck dinners, etc. Any of them that I brought along would always contribute in some way or another to the best of their ability.
I'm pretty much with the majority here...

If they offer, that's great...but most of the time I don't accept anyway...

I love to fish, and I fish often...I figure I would encur about the same cost fishing by myself as I would with a partner...

Hey, if they bring a few cold beverages I'm usually more than happy!

When a local friend/buddy gives me an invite, I always participate via my wallet. Depending upon where we are going, and what we do, it's between $10.00 and $20.00. Most times, I have to force it on them.

However, if I invite someone out for a day that does not normally fish, I don't expect anything from them. If I invite someone down that is a regular fisherman for a 'special trip', I make it clear that the trip is on me. However, I always tell them to bring whatever food/drink that they want and put it in the cooler. I always have extra on board, and will share, but make it pretty clear that they need to provide their own.

I think that it's common courtesy for someone to offer to help pay for the expenses (gas primarily).

I don't think that I would be offended if they didn't offer, but they may not get a return ride.

Suggestion, wait to fill up the boat until they are with you. Nothing link a strong hint.

My .02 worth... If I invite someone to go fishing with me I expect to pay for it. I DO expect however for them to at least offer to chip in. I never accept the offer but it does make me feel better:)

I have fished, out of my boat, with both Toxic and TrepMan and I would have tried to wrestle them to the ground before I let them pay for anything. They were my guests and I figure that when I go with them in their boats I can be a deadbeat:)

I don't have many people to go fishing with and if it's someone that goes with me a lot, I expect them to help with the cost. I hook the rig up, get it ready to go, and all they have to do is put their gear in and sit back. I then get to go home and clean it up and un-hook it and put it away.

I know what your feeling Carl..
