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JD Johnson

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
I think we finally found out why I have had no strength, edurance or energy for the last few weeks. I just got back from the doc's and they finall got smart enough to put the o2 sensor on me a walk me around. it always showed 98% to 100% at rest but before we got 20 paces it drop to 86% and my heart rate went to 112bpm. After checking ex-rays, blood work and a physical it seems pretty sure that I have all of the symptoms of a blood clot in lungs. I'm at the office eating lunch and waiting for the nurse to call with a time for the CT scan to verify and then the doc will give a few needles to inject myself with thinners for several days and then change over to pills. Not the best news but as the doc commented "We have a plan now, are you happy?" That is because I get up set when we talk about my condition and he doesn't have a plan, the diagnosis doesn't bother me as long as we have a plan to combat it or just let it run it's course. I just don't like not having a plan. <G>

He will also be putting me on o2 at home for a while. I told him it had to be portable enough to fit on the bike. I guess it is one of them things the old f#rts carry around with them. <BG>If it turns out not to be a clot we will be doing a complete lung work up ...again. Since it just came up a few weeks ago he is pretty confident it is the clot.

y'all take care.


well hope everything works out for ya JDJ, I can relate, even though I'm 28.......I had a mini-stroke 2 years ago, because I have a blood disease called Factor five Lydan.......It basically means everytime I cut myself normally the blood clots and stops the bleeding then dissolves back into the blood stream, for me it stays clotted and then breaks off into the blood stream and where it stops(it was my brain where it stopped 2 years ago) causes problems, so I am on thinners forever, feel good now though but pretty scary at my young age..........good luck, and don't worry, things will work out, my friend.
Good to know they have a plan. Keep after the doc's, and stay active in your treatment!

Rich D
Mike.....I also was found with blood clots in my lungs about 4 years ago at age 32. I was never diagnosed with anything and to this day I do not know what caused it. The reaction from the doctors was pretty strong due to my age and his comment was "your lucky, we usually find these when we are doing the autopsy". Although I am not on thinners now I do get regular check ups.....JDJ it's all good....The fact that they found it is a good thing....LA
Well grip, fortunately for me I had syptoms for about a week before the stroke, I would loose vision from time to time for like 5 minutes, I would get extreme headaches, and then comming home from Canada fishing trip, I started to get really dizzy and lost vision completely, and a buddy with me drove my truck and boat to an ambulance station in upstate NY near Pulaski and they took me by ambulance to Syracuse university hospital, and bby then I had the face drupe on right side of my face and couldn't talk or anything, and 45 minutes later back to normal, I had every test on my heart lungs and brain you can think of, and the blood disease is what did it, now they say I have a VERY small chance it will happen again, now on meds, they say I was lucky it didn't go to my heart.........anyway, ask your doctor, if you ever feel like youv'e never felt b4, and believe me you will know, go somewhere right away and get checked.........a simple blood test diagnosed me, but doctors don't test for this disease cuz its so rare. Hope this helps
Thank you everyone,

Mike I'm glad they found your problem and got a treatment going for you.

LA, it's good that they found your's too, hopefully it is gone forever.

I get the scan at 5:00pm and if it is confirmed they will call the doc who will call in the shots and I will start injecting myself tonight. Just being funny i asked my wife if she would do it for me and I thought she was going to shoot me just for asking. :D

Keep that attitude... Got a plan... Then we're moving in the right direction.... You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks again everyone for the continued support nd prayers.

It looks like the blood clot turned out to be the pneumonia that I