Dang...gettin' kinda scary!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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This rain has evrything flooding around here and there's a small creek called Mud Run behind all our homes in Holday Valley that's out of it's banks and heading for us:huh:

Send some of this south Mother Nature:wacko:
All I can say Is lookout It's coming...flooded here...
not good....hope you stay high and dry!
Hey Tee,

stay safe, if they evac get out of dodge. we had our shair of floods 2 yrs ago on mothers day up here in NH.it was scary bad nasty stuff.

Good luck!!

Let's see. Buy a house that sit's near a stream called Mud Run. :eek:


Seriously, hope everything and everyone is doing fine.

Whew! We dodged a bullet!

It finally quit and is drying up a little:)
If you lived in Omaha, Nebraska and had that flooding they'd find a way to tax you for waterfront property.:D

That's good news Tee... Hated to think of you floating down to "narlins" on the roof of your house... Then you end up in a FEMA trailer with formaldahyde gas poisoning and way too late to get a $2k debit card... Course, one of them Hollywood (probabaly Brad Pitt himself,,,who now lives there) types might build you a new house 7 feet below the water level of the Mississippi River down there in the 9th Ward... Potentially wet, but you'd have a solar water heater and a real "green" design. Bad news is there are no walleyes that far south as far as I know..;)

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