Dang Buck Toothed Rat....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Says were in for at least 6 more weeks of this crap!:angry:
Like there was an option?:lol::lol: I'm surprized there are any left with as many as I see around here that are roadkill!! I keep looking for one with a little black tophat, then I'll know we got him!!:p

Phil needs the "Five Cent Solution".. a well place .22 round. He won't have to worry about his shadow any more. He can join his brethern that tear up my pond shoreline. (well, "did")
Exactly Pondscum..........Nothing like a Woodchuck in the crosshairs to make things exciting!! My longest "confirmed" was just under 200yds with my buddy's AR-15. We use to average 25-40 per year on his farm....and a possum or raccoon or two!!;)
How about popping one with a 22 pistol out of a moving truck and then having to finish him off with a coke bottle!:lol:

Actually happened:wacko:
I've got a pair of redtailed hawks in my woods beyond the pond. they have been pretty good at keeping the population in check, kinda neat to watch them swoop out of the trees and grab a muskrat right off the shoreline. With a heavy and prolonged snow cover this year, the hawks have been real active hunters.
Pondscum, those hawks can catch and pick up a fully grown Groundhog or do they wait and watch and try to get one of the babies? Thanks

Uncle Billy
I think the adult GH have learned. I;ve seen the chicken hawks swoop on them a couple times (I got a hell of a view: my recliner looks right out the glass doors over the yard, across the pond). There's only about a 70ft wide clearing between pines on one side and hardwood on the other. I bet if food was more scarce around here the adults would be gone, but right now everyone seems happy. Plenty of young rodents around.

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