Crossing the border

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Rich D

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2001
Reaction score

Since it sounds like some of you have recently crossed the border to and or from Canada, did anyone have any trouble? On another board, I have been reading horror stories about crossing situations.

We will be heading into Ontario in July and normally cross at the Peace Bridge. Two or three years ago a guy in our party got a dui here in the states. He crossed last year, no problem, but it sounds like the situation may have changed. Any and all info appreciated!

Rich D
No problems at all, just know your license plate number and have your drivers license and birth certificate or passport ready.

And when they ask you if you have anything to declare, tell them "THE RED WINGS ROCK" LOL

So they are asking for the birth certificates now? Good point to know. I guess I will have to learn my plate #!

Rich D
When I crossed the 1000 Island's bridge last October, I was told I should also have a 'photocopy' of my birth certificate...didn't make sense, but I'll have it with me next time!
Ken's right,...we didn't have any problems at all....driver's license and another form of ID,...Ken had is B-C and I had my passport,...but they never asked for either. Coming back into the 'States in Port Huron, I showed the lady our Driver's licenses, but she didn't ask for them. I was asked my license plate number though,...both times and in both places!!! It was pretty obvious we were going fishing though,...hardly a doubt when you're pulling a bassboat and the truck looks like a billboard! LOL. You won't have any problems though,...just mention the Wings' and Pierre's name,'re golden!!

Gee...mention Pierre's name and they might lock you up!!

Sorry Pierre....ONLY KIDDING!!!! LOL

Man am I in trouble, I have been practicing all week end but just can't get the words out...

"The Red Wings"

"The Red Wings ro..."

Just can't say it.

Rich D, Penguins fan
Try this then,..........."Lemmiuuueexx ,...blooooooooooowws"...LOLOLOL

Sorry,.....Wings ROCK!!!!


Now dems feudin words!!! LOL

Course, what can I expect from a Detroit fan, too much motor oil in the drinking water up that way I guess! LOL

Besides, the Steelers are gonna stomp everyone this season!

Rich D
The Steelers are the whoop,....I've always liked them.....but hey,..the Lions couldn't beat a good college team so we're forced to find another NFL team to cheer for...and the Tigers,...well,...hard to believe that Illitch ownes them too.....but he needs the Tiger's for a tax right off because he makes a killing on the wings!...ahahhah By the way Rich,...that oily water we drink up here, sure goes down smooth when it comes from a STANLEY CUP!!!! LOL

Mac - Just as long as you wash that Lord Stanley's cup before it comes home again! Hey, if the Pirates can flirt with a .500 season, anything can happen!

Rick - I don't know what game you are referring to. The Steelers never played the Patriots. The Steelers never played the Patriots. The Steelers never played the Patriots.... LOL!

Rich D
Rich,...based on the stories i've heard and read about the stuff that goes on with that cup, during a teams summer of fun and adventure,...I don't think an acid bath would sterilize it!! LOL (Babies have been Christined in it too!!) LOL They're really making an effort this year to take it all over the metro area to bars, restaurants, parks, golf courses, etc, as many fans as possible can see it,...the fan support here is ungodly!! I've never seen anything like it with any other sports team...and the players are just as geeked as the fans,'s awesome!!

When the 'guins had it, it was everywhere. I got to pass it overhead in a bar one night shortly after the first victory when they were showing it off. I definitely would NOT drink anything from it!!!LOL

I would love to see it and hold it over my head!! I've never seen it in person yet,....that would be cool!

Mini's gone fishing with Pat Verbeek a few times.....he's no longer a Wing though, but I don't know if Mini's seen the cup in person either.......would deffinetely be the highlite of that day!!!..LOL I did pull up next to Brendan Shanahan one day at a red light by my house,.....gave him a thumbs up and he smiled and gave one back....that was only encounter with a player!! (I did meet Verbeek at the St.Clair Top 150 last year though,....was surprised by his size,....he's not that big of a guy!)

My favorite player was Vladdy, I loved the way he played.....really makes me happy the way the Team still includes him in everything though,...his locker is still untouched's HIS!! Awesome!
