Critical Thinking?

  • Thread starter Marty Klein [URL]
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Geez, hard to even imagine. Seems to be a lot of fault to go around on this 1, and from both sides.
The instructor is at fault in my opinion.....what the hell is he/she letting an 8yr old shoot an Uzi for anyway??? THAT's EXACTLY the kind of PR responsible gun owners despise and why the left wing liberals and anti's want to ban all guns. If the kid's parent told the instructor to "go ahead,..let him shoot it, he'll be fine!" The instructor should've said,.."Sorry,..I'm not going to be responsible for an 8 yr old with an UZI!"

Now he/she IS!!.....the lawyers and courts should crucify the moron and rightly so!!

I'm with Mac. What kind of idiot lets a 8 year old fire a machine gun?

Mac, I do not believe it could have been said any better. My Grandson is 9, big and strong for his age and I would not let him think about shooting something like that. This is really stupid, and it could have been avoided.

Stupid, stupid, stupid parents!

Did I say they were STUPID?:wacko:
Well, I would not let the parent or parents off the hook for this 1. If one gets sued or punished they all should. Just amazing and sad.

You just can't bring the kid back. A tragic accident that should never have happened for sure. However what good can come from further punishment? Blame resolves nothing.
As Woody said tragic. last weekend after I moved home from China, I took Eli on a 2 day cub scout campout in Jasper GA (1 hour north), the program was run great with a very disciplined and rule enforce weapons areas: 1) archery and 2) BB Guns. Kudo's to the Cherokee and Pickens Den leaders and voluneers, as they ran a tight/safe shop. At the end of the afternoon, even I got to shoot a RedRider and Buck bb gun. Eli shot 10 total shots and did great, but the safely and accountability they learn at this age is KEY! Who in their right minds provides a semi automatic weapon to a 11-12 yearold, no sence in that.
