Crested Butte CO

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Next week is our spring break. We are going to Crested Butte CO with some friends of ours. Has anyone ever been skiing? I don't want to ski. Going with friends is great. We are going to watch every john wayne movie created..well not all but most!!!! LOL. I am looking forward to being with friends but I don't know about this skiing thing. As you know from pics I have posted I aint the smallest kid at 240...need to get on a diet. What advice can you give me. The other day in church the guy we are traveling with gets up and says "we are going skiing in a couple of weeks so pray for us traveling.....then he looks at my sister and says has BJ ever been skiing before? She said no, he then says..well maybe we should pray for everyone below BJ on the mountain"...LOL, he is one of my good friends. he also gets up and talks about all the tournametns i fish..and lets them know when i do

Skiing is GREAT!!! Back in the day BC (before children) I was a real HOT DOG. My wife and I went to Colorado 5 or 6 times every winter. Went to Alberta and Utah too. It is the most fun. Don't worry about not knowing how and looking like a dork. Believe me there will be a million other people in the same boat. Rent you some skis and boots and take a 1/2 day beginner lesson and have a blast. And as far as your weight don't worry about that either!! Your 18 for crying out loud. You can do ANYTHING!!! Two years ago when my daughters band marched in the London New Years Day Parade my wife went with her. My son was feeling gypped so I to him to Colorado to Copper Mt. I was at the time 51 and +300 and hadn't done anything more strenous than eat a plate of ribs in 10 years. I did great....well I got through it without killing myself. But what's important Andy and I had a blast. You will only regret no doing it. Remind me to tell you my New York City story some day.

I have a pair of ski bibs,ski jacket, goggles and gloves you are welcome to borrow if you want. I want to see pictures of YOU young man on the slopes.

I think I am just going to wear my goretex bibs/jacket I use for you think that will be ok? Thanks for the offer! I will definatly bring some pics back and put them on the board

Yeah, your Al Gore-Tex should be fine. In March you are more likly to be too hot than too cold. You may still need goggles and gloves. Still, you're welcome to borrow them if you need.

BJ, if you don't like skiing maybe you could give snowboarding or tubing a try? My son is a snowboard nut but doesn't like to ski. Consider taking a lesson, might turn out to be fun.

Cass :)
I have nnot done either of these Athletic activities. I am not too coordinated when it comes to Skiing or Snowboarding. I am more into things with motors like Snowmobiles.

BTW- Me! I like the snow bunny idea..I may have to get one of those.


The new parabolic skis make learning a lot easier.

I ran a lot of trips to Crested Butte with the Kansas City Ski Club. It is a great area.

If you get the chance, talk to Allen Cox at the Nordic Inn on the mountain. He is a great host for the mountain.

Also, the food in the town is fantastic so take your appetite along. Lots of choices. Give us a report when you return.
Be absoultely certain, that you know how to slow down and stop effectively, before going 'up' on any mountain. The bunny hill can be your friend.

Trees and rocks, do not make good friends when skiing. If you have a doubt, stop or fall down immediately.

The first thing you will want to learn is how to "SNOW PLOW". After that you can do anything. I don't know anything about snowboards, they came along after I had hung up my skis. The mountian was full of them when Andy and I went up there a couple of years ago. They look more Generation X and I'm more Generation A.

Let me sum up my skiing career....I have a friend who has a condo on the slope in Vail.

The TOXIC 10 Step Snow Sking Method

1. Rent Skis, get lift pass.

2. Put on skis, get on lift.

3. Get off lift, turn 180 degrees around.

4. Put skis together, get in crouch position.

5. Scootch off of the side of the mountain.

6. Scream profusely as you attain mach 4.

7. Ski past the lodge, through the parking lot, and hit a snowplow broadside who is cleaning the parking lot.

8. Spend the rest of the week in the lodge drinking hot buttered rum.

9. When enough rum is consumed, repeat process (usually only 2 or 3 times per day). Leave out the snowplow if at all possible.

10. Fly home with no desire to ever ski again.

I think it was Gallager that said, " I don't know why downhill skiing is an Olympic sport. It would be more of a sport to ski uphill or take the lift up and try to not ski down."
