crappie pro team 175

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dan huff

Active Member
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
dad just bought new crappie pro team and it leaked pretty good first day on water so obvious it wasnt tanked before leaving factory. has anyone else had this or any other problems with this boat or ones similar?
Mine had a broken pipe in the seat livewell. Thought the 'boat' was leaking, but it wasn' was in the livewell plumbing.

For a quick test, with your boat on the trailer fill your live and bait wells with water and see if it leaks into your bilge area!
I have the PT 175 in the bass set up purchased in 2003. Took it out this past weekend and still no leaks. Three years of lots of fun running and fishing and no significant problems so far (knock wood!). I'd second Mike's suggestion on checking the fittings before suspecting the hull. Seems to me that Tracker has done a pretty good job with the all-welded ProTeam line up. Fittings, on the other hand, are more susceptible to leakage. Hopefully all that you have is a loose clamp on a hose fitting.

Sorry hit the return button before typing. It has been one of those types of Monday's. I have a 2003 PT175 (all welded) and it is still dry as a bone hull wise. I did have a aerator pump housing break which puts water in the hull pretty quickly, but no hull leaks to date. I have even slow motored up onto a couple of slightly submerged trees in Mark Twain(MO) and Fork(TX) without any damage.
Dan - Its a new boat, how far from your dealer are you? I'm sure they will fix it licketysplit!

I had the same boat as Mike L, I never had the leak he had (I think I remember his rear livewell line froze with water in it) but I did have Tracker shorten the drain tube so it would drain better and not hold water, but we don't get the cold down here and mine lived in the garage when ever it was not on the water.

I'd say if the plug was in (don't laugh, we've all done it and i've met folks at the ramp who didn't KNOW there was a plug!!! LOL), then chances are its a fitting loose/broke in transit from the factory.

One way to check, is to fill up the livewell and PLUG the rear livewell DRAIN hole on the bottom of the transom, and wait a bit at home and see if the water drains from the livewell into the bildge.
Dealer was suppose to look at today,tried giving dad the "we're awful backed up on service not sure how soon we'll get to it" line but dad and i both used to work at tracker so had some inside pull. Once they knew that they got around to it pretty fast amazingly:lol:

Yeah our guess was loose fitting or something like that we hoped no word yet from dealer though.
well Dad got his boat back this week and dealer said he couldnt find leak but never put on water. Think we goin to take to lebanon plant.
Dan, before you go to too much trouble, see if this may be what you're experencing. I have a PT-185 and sometimes, not everytime, I will get a bilge full after a day on the lake. When I first bought my boat I nearly freaked out. I filled it with water in the driveway to look for leaks...nothing. I checked the livewell....nothing. Then I discovered, thanks to the folks here at NTOWS, that what was happening was water was getting into the hull through the seam between the hull and the gunwhale. When you run on plane in rough water look back at toward the back sides of your boat and you will see how this is possible. It's a common problem on PT boats. Some guys have run a bead of silicone to prevent the problem but I never did. I just stay aware of it and if I think I need to I'll hit the bilge pump and then I always pull the plug when I put the boat back on the trailer.

I can't say for sure that this is what's happening to your boat but if I were you I would look at the possibility.

Thanks Ill have dad check that tomorrow afternoon. That maybe cause we are baffled ourselves.