Courtesy Boat Ramp....what a joke !

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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C J Brown Resivoir in Springfield , Ohio has had a new beautiful and nicely set up boat ramp that was desperately needed for years now. It has 5 lanes and has a couple of courtesy lanes before you get to the ramp...which BTW has not been an issue yet. NICE concrete work:cool:

BUT, there is a courtesy dock to tie your rig up too that is about 100 ft. in length and it hardly ever gets used !

These DUMMYS want to tie up 5 frickin' lanes of boat ramp ! WTF ?

I'm headed up tonite to the ranger staion tonite and do my duty and do a lil' *****in' !!!!

I had it out with one officer last year and had his arse reported because at one point, he was actually causing problems himself.

Needless to of the reasons I am not happy about this is the Ranger/DNR sataion is at the top of the ramp!

Someone is going to do their job or I'm gonna' have to make a few calls to Columbus and see if we can't get these issues resolved.

What gets my goat even more is how long and how many $ it took to build this ramp.

I don't want to see it get like every other boat ramp out there that is NOT monitored.

Comments welcome;)
Uhhh.... I don't quite understand what you are complaining about.

5 lanes of boat ramps? I'd have a permanant smile on my face.

Couple of "courtesy lanes". I'd love that.

100 foot long courtesy dock? I'd be praising the builder.

So... what are you going to do a "lil' *****in' " about???

Seriously - I'm confused as to why you are ticked off.

All the best,

They tie their boats off in the lanes instead of the courtesy docks.

Clogs up the ramp...and that's what the courtesy dock is designed for.

I suppose you don't have idiots where you are ?:lol:
Ok - you're making sense now. I didn't understand your original post, as everything sounded great. If they are tying up in the lanes instead of using the courtesy dock, then I'd be pissed off too.

And yes... we have plenty of idiots where I live. We have several with small aluminums, or fiberglass with Keel Shield / Hamby's / etc.. that will park them right on the concrete at the end of the ramp, and then leave them there while they are messing with their truck / trailer / etc... so I feel your pain there TEE.

All the best,

Here's the icing on the cake so to speak.

Last Thursday the wife and I decide to get out on the lake. When we get back to the ramp...4 lanes were full and had boats tied off and no boats tied to the coutesy dock. 2 water turds were just setting there in one lane BS'ing. I ease the boat up and ask them to guy gives me the "look" but, at this point I think he seen it wouldn't be wise to say anything back except sorry. As I'm pulling up, a guy in this "Lake Erie" boat is obviuosly an amature and has his boat sideways before I can get mine loaded so I had to back out just to let him outta' the way...I think he heard me mumbling a few choice words for all to hear.

People have NO RESPECT these days and think they are the only people on God's Green Earth!


People need to THINK for a second on how their actions affect other people. I don't care if your 1 or 100 or 5 to 500 gotta' show respect to get it....and if I don't get it then, you will here what I've got to say...and you ain't gonna' like it!

DISRESPECT is on the lowest spot on my list thesdays;)

Yes, I agree; I wish more folks would take the respectful tone and approach to this issue that you have.
It ain't hard to spell but, most don't have a clue of it's meaning.

I was brought up old school:rolleyes:
Tee - I feel your pain. We have a few idiots as well. Sometimes though it would be thoughtful to explain to people about boat ramp courtesies. I realize that some of them will tell you where to go but some will probably tell you thank you and that they didn't realize what impact they were having on other boats launching or pulling out. I know that a some point in my early life of boating I was one of those idiots. Maybe you can talk to the ranger about telling people about the courtesies of the launch ramps or even having a sign made that explains them. My $0.02 worth.
I guess I was just born lucky or good because I have never done some of the stupid things I have seen at boat ramps ( all statements are subject to selective memory) The general boating public only launch a few times a season and think of it as a challange. We launch year round in all sorts of weather and pride ourselfs on getting in and out of the water like a pit stop, quick, clean and effective. I laugh when I drive my boat up on the trailer and some kid tells his dad (that is ready for heart failure) winching a 20 something boat up. "wow that was neat why can't we do that" It's all about what you do. I sit back and enjoy the view.


Notice I left out the times I was missed or had to back down and reload...
I LOVE IT!!! I know most people on this site are from the south, I'm from MN. I see the same exact things everyone is talking about. I feel your pain and have ran into this myself. For instance, I pull up to a ramp to find this younger kid pull up to the dock, hop out of the 1920 aluminum, barely floating, boat. Now I'm not dissin anyones choice of boat, I have an

aluminum boat. He beats me to his truck before I can my straps and transom saver off the back of the boat. Meanwhile his boat is just floating right in the middle of the boat ramp, not

even tied to anything. He takes 3 trys to get his trailer to the ramp, I mean to the ramp, not straight in the water, TO THE RAMP. He rams his boat out of the way with the trailer. My five year old is laughing his ass off inside my truck. He hops out of his truck, the trailer tires are barely touching the water. He comences to try and pull the boat onto the roller trailer by hand, having to lift the front of the boat into the air just to get it started onto the trailer. After watching him struggle with that for five minutes, I walk over and ask him if he would like some help. He does not even acknowledge me. So I say, would you like me to back your truck into the water a little bit so the rollers are in the water. He still does not even look at me. I go back to my truck and wait for another 15 minutes while he struggles with his boat, trying to load it onto his trailer. Now I know that all teenagers are not stubborn, I have a 17 year old that listens to me, respects his elders, and basically does not act like most disrespecting teenagers. But this kid is gonna have a hard life if he does not ever take any advice from anyone.

You know, you have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to get a license to get married. I don't know about other states, but in mn, if your over 18, you can buy a boat, register it, they hand you a leaflet on safe boating, and your off, to clog up boat ramps if your lucky, kill yourself or others if your not so lucky.

Can't wait to go fishin, AGAIN.

You know, you have to pass a test to drive a car. You have to get a license to get married. I don't know about other states, but in mn, if your over 18, you can buy a boat, register it, they hand you a leaflet on safe boating, and your off, to clog up boat ramps if your lucky, kill yourself or others if your not so lucky.


Same in Oklahoma. It's crazy out there. I either get off early or avoid completely lakes that attract a lot of pleasure boaters.