Couple of pic's from Moor's Resort:(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Really Sad!:(

HOLY COW Batman! That just plain STINKS!
My friend owns 20 acres just above the resort...They were lucky and they didn't have any damage,the horses were OK.... The Moors was really hit hard..The weather has been weird for the whole year..I hope all will be fine..It was 65 yesterday here,today 30 and snowing like you wouldn't believe....Weird weather...JR
Marvin from the board camps right across the lake from The Moors alot (where Trep caught his fish).

Hopefully he wasn't there when it hit.:(

You out there Marvin ???:huh:
Wow, what a mess! I pray that no one was hurt. Buildings can be rebuilt.

From all reports..there was only one death in a trailer not far from Moor's.

Weather has played a part in ALL fishing this year from North to South..East to West from all reports I have read. It was another one of those "no-spring" years where we went from a small amount of warmth to get things going and WHAM, back to cold & nasty weather into hot weather which really kinda' messes things up.

It seems the gradule warming keeps the fishing good thru summer into fall but, it's just been all over the place this year:(