Cost of Fuel

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I think you answered your own question, export, economy.....and my guess,...probably very few cars/trucks. Supply and demand dictates price.......and in the grand scheme of things in Angola,...there's no $$ and no demand. Just a guess...:huh:
Mac, I believe that is a very good guess. It amazes me to watch these gas stations around here. Price of oil jumps 50 cents a barrel, and the price of gas goes up a nickel. When it comes down 50 cents, it takes 3 days to lower the price a penny . Most stations hold 10,000 gallons or better, when the price of oil jumps they go up instantly even with the stock they purchased cheaper. I really DO NOT have a problem with high gas prices, if it wouldn't make everything else go up. Just my 2 cents worth.


Here's a few more things from that presentation I saw the other day at work regarding the U.S. auto's a comparison of the changes in the price of gasoline and other consumer goods between 1982 and 2005. (Hold on to your arss!!..LOL):blink:

New Vehicles = 38.8%

Personal care products = 53.1%

GASOLINE = 61.6%

Beer, Ale and Malt Bvg's at home = 76.3%

Meats = 86.4%

Food AWAY from home = 90.8%

ALL Items = 91.3%

Fish & Seafood = 99.4%

Airline Tickets = 117.7%

Physician's Services = 182.3%

Dental Services = 216.7%

Persc. Drugs and Med. supplies = 243.3%

College Tuition and Fees = 359.6%

Tobacco and Smoking Products = 393.9%

Sooo,...Gas, New Vehicles and Beer prices are still rising slower than the overall Avg....hhhmm....guess I'll go get a new truck,..fill it up...and get a 12pk. (and Thank God I don't smoke or have 2 kids in college!!) :wacko::blink:

Carry on,


:(:( Two girls , 1 in college, the other will be there in two years. I am glad there smart and will get at least partial scholarships.:rolleyes: Chris F.