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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I am getting bombarded with trash emails..........i'm getting sick of having 30+ emails a day...and only 2 or 3 being what i want to read.

I'm having no luck getting rid of them.
BJ it sounds like some spammers got your email address.

First you may want to get yourself some spam filter software i dont know what you run for a mail client so i can suggest one until i know that.

Second Never and i mean never respond to any spam you get and never click the link that says unsubscribe. By clicking that link and entering your email to unsubscribe you just told the spamers that your email address is valid and they open the floodgates on you.

Thrid, get youself a free yahoo or msn mailbox and use thaqt address whenever you fill out a web form that needs an email address. That box will get spammed for sure but if you dont use it for regular email jst let it fill then empty it on occasion.

The only oter thing i can suggest is that if you use outlook(not outook express) and its the 2003 version you cna setuo a whitelist of senders that will get thru and everyting else will get put into a junk email folder. Thats what i do at home to make my life easier

The spammers will get your email address no matter what, but you need to do what you can to not just and them your email address. They got my 4 unused ones on my earthlink account and they have never been logged into or anything. Those boxes are just random assigned names that earthink created when they made the boxes and they get nailed.
I have cox and i use outlook express for email. I have Outlook 2003 but i didn't like it so i went back to Outlook express

see the post below "help I.T. people".

follow what that post says to do.Having spyware on your computer can greatly add to junk e-mail.

After cleaning the snot out of mine I rarely get any spam.

oh yeah..i also get a bunch of popups...even with a pop up blocker..actually 2...i've ran adaware to no prevail..just all this tracker cookie things...who knows..
I also run Adaware,Bazooka ,and SpyBot in addition to my Norton.Sometimes one will pick up something the others miss.

When will some hacker have enough and come up with a virus that attacks these guys that attack everybody else.If anybody spams you,it crashes THEIR computer.

All out computer warfare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BJ don't you use the spam blocker from Cox? It works pretty good for me.

Here is a link to Spywareblaster. It seems to get more than Adaware and works better too. It doesn't remove them it just goofs with the spyware code so it won't work for the criminals.

I heard a guy on NPR a couple of weeks ago who discribes himself as an internet vigilantie. He has written programs that can search out the spammers and spyware and send it right back to them. He some how got the home phone number of a spammer in Africa. He called and e-mailed the guy so much he was begging for mercy. I love it, I wish we all could fight back like that.


Cox has a spam blocker? didn't know that!!!

most people get tons of spam as a result of signing up for various things on the net. Every time you put your e-mail address on some site...they immediately sell the address to the spammers. I never give my address to any site that wants a result.....I have not had any spam in over a year.

I run a MAC, I don't have these issues :)! It's seems that PC users are always so busy running spy this adware that, too bad you just can't use the system for what it is ment for. I have been in IT for years I support all platforms, but the I choose one from home will always be a MAC. life is to short to fix, this, that and everthing, I just want a computer that just I don't get paid to work on it at home if you get what I mean.
It just goes to prove that Wintel machines have more software written for them -- good and bad :).
Yea , but both platforms have all the good software written from them,I can get every piece of software a Wintell machine can get, except the ones that A.Don't sell B. Games always come late to the MAC C. Top dog always has more virus , spyware (BAD STUFF) written for it.
