Computer help needed

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I am at school. my computer at home is having trouble. When I turn it on it says something like "windows did not shut down correctly.....can't really remember what it all said. Then it has a couple of options like safe mode, configure something, and so on. I click enter and then it tries to start windows then it goes to a blue screen and says something like it had trouble. It suggest to remove any new hardware orsomething like that.


for the last couple of weeks i get popups all over the screen when I am not sitting at the computer. I installed a pop-up blocker and i now get MORE pop-ups. My Norton was also doing something crazy. It will say scanning email 1 of 1.....i never sent a email or had outlook express even open. I would be trying to work and it would come up. then sometimes it would say something like unable to send email because of (5.6.7 or somethingl ike that).


BJ -

I have an older computer. I ended up taking Norton off mine because of all the problems it created. It has a mind of it's own and runs your software and internet connections as it sees fit.

If you aren't in the habit of visiting "questionable" sites or downloading "questionable" materials - which I highly doubt you do - I'd recommend taking Norton off.

BJ, what does the blue screen have on it for error codes? thats the first place we need to start also what operating system is it?

As far as norton goes, if you have system works i would remove it. System works is known for being a resource hog and for causing problems. Norton antivirus as a standalone on the oter hand is a very good product.

Me! you should really be running a virus scanner in this day and age. If your not you are asking for trouble. If you had system works by all means remove it but you should install some sort of virus protection. The norton antivirus product is one of the better ones out there.
It is windows XP. I will try to write all the info down and post again on monday if I can't get it to work over the weekend.

Me!- I like that it scans the email. I could take Norton off but is there anything that scans email only? Your correct...I have no desire to view "questionable" material so that is not a prob.

windows did not shut down correctly usually means someone shut down the computer manually (pressing the power switch)while a program was running. This happens if the computer freezes and can only be recovered by killing the power. The blue screen commonly known as the Blue Screen of Death. Usually means a serious system error. You may have to run your System restore disk. I hope you have back ups of the improtant stuff. I don't think you can make back up from the safe mode. When all else fails find the nearest computer guru.

Just an idea but it fixed alot of problems on my cpu,,,,install a free product from called Adaware,,,It takes off a bunch of hidden reg keys, attempted browser takeover's, etc, my computer was having all kind's of problems and this product solved all of them, hope this helps.

Steve B.

Ya'll said something about shutting it down manually...the power went out for a few seconds yesterday during a storm. could that have caused it?


This may be my last post for a while :(
sure could of BJ, get me that stop code on the blue screen and we will go from there.
Sounds like maybe all you need to do is restart and run Scandisk. But like everybody else said get your Norton running and pay the money and get it updated. I have just gone through several ordeals with worms and Trojon Horses. One of them even the updated Norton couldn't find so I went online with the Norton website and they did a complete scan and fixed the problem from there.
I use Zonealarm, Pop-Up Stopper Pro. and Norton all in conjunction with one another. I am very pleased with these programs. I would suggest a reformat BJ.
BJ I just re-read your first message. The popups when you're not online are definatly Trojan Horses. Get them off as fast as you can. You can download an up to date copy of Norton for about 30 bucks. (That's about how many spinnerbaits you will get hung up and lose this weekend.) Scandisk and defrag can cure a lot of ills but you gotta get them Cooties off first.

The compy prob hasb't been xp will not even open....i push the computer on and it comes up with safe mode, safe mode with networking, etc.....

JimB-I will get the codes and give them to you.

Everyone-THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

also i have heard that a lot of cox customers had this problem when cox switched servers or something. Cox assumed that everyone had virus sofware and it caused some problems. I have talked to other people that said cox is running slow but they have had no probs.

Harpo- did you ever find out why you can't get on red river and basszone?

thanks again!

I never did find out why. I did the fix that Greg Meyer told me to do and it worked first time.

Don't depend on Cox or any other ISP to filter virus and such. I'm still singing the praises of Norton Anti-Virus. Best money you can spend.
