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Bill Ackermann

Active Member
Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Have any of you ever been compensated from Tracker Marine for the none use of a new boat?

For the first 6 weeks of ownership my boat has been in the service center and eventially sent back to the factory for a serious hull leak.

Customer Service Reps have ever heard of compensation!

The warranty covers the boat, not inability to use it. I've never seen a warranty that does.
The "warranty" is considered compensation,..they're paying to get it fixed,.....unfortunately it doesn't help your situation being boatless. I've never heard of anybody being directly compensated by TM for that, but your dealer may try to help you out in some form or another,....after all, their main goal is total "customer satisfaction". Until you get your boat back and you're completely satisfied,'ll have to settle for the old "the check is in the mail" routine! I hope they step up and take care of you,....6 weeks is a long time to wait!! Good luck and keep us posted!!

Sorry to hear that, Like you said I'm sure they'll fix it. And since "Customer Satisfaction" is a priority, and I know it isn't a car dealer but tell them you prepaid several tournaments and you would appreciate a loaner. (You never know)

Good Luck

Your never gonna' hear me say that their "customer service" is top notch....let em' know your not happy. Like said...ya' never know. I understand also...I was without for just 2 1/2 weeks and I was only the phone every other day houndin' them for my new boat..nearly went crazy. Oops..too ltae.

I never got a loaner boat because I didn't send mine in but..... When I first got my 170 DC the dealer screwed up the swapping of the 12 w/a 24 volt troller. They laid the wires down on the inside of the portside rod locker deck. I laid a rod line guide across two electrical points one - and one +. The short started the carpet on fire up inside the locker. I crawled up inside the locker and tried to pat it out with my hand(stupid). The burning carpet stuck to my left hand like naplam giving me second and third degree burns to my hand. The dealer fixed the problem the minute I arrived on the lot after having the hand treated at the e ward. They bought me a new rod and reel, gave me a large gift certificate to BPS. A few months later while shooting clays I saw my salesman and he told me they let the mechanic who screwed up the deal go.

Here's a classic line that I heard several times during my brief tenure in the boat biz. It seemed to work a good percentage of the time.

"How are you going to compensate me for my inconvienience?"

This from a guy who drove 10 minutes and had to wait 10 more for the guys to finish rigging his new boat.

He was a classic "You said my boat was ready. It ain't ready! I didn't drive all the way down here from Lake Orion (10 min) to stand around and wait!" (10 min)

I can only imagine that if this guys boat was ready he'd say "Why didn't you call me an hour ago? I could of had fish in the livewell by now."

The reason "compensation" is so hard to get is because guys like that abuse it.

6-weeks is a long time but I wouldn't expect too much. If you have a good dealer you might get a loaner like others have mentioned but don't expect monitary compensation.

sounds like that guy was either a Lawyer or a Contract Negotiator,,...I'm glad I have a person doing that for me now,...I don't have a nasty bone in my body!! LOL..I've been getting screwed (for being too easy!!) for YEARS!!! ahahahaahhaha

I got my boat back from the factory and am taking it to Truman for three days this weekend. If it leaks again they will have to come and get it.

I really didn't expect to get any monitary compensation, a free spare or cover would have been nice.

A customer service manager called back today after three weeks of trying to contact him. Sure didn't like his attitude, he said, "the service department has gone far and beyond the call of duty to make me happy" Since when is repairing a bad weld beyond the call of duty on a one day old boat? Sounds more like an obligation to repair or replace defective parts or workmanship within conditions of the warranty to me.

The boat was obviously delivered to me without ever being water tested. Took it back the next day after taking on 20-30 gallons of water. They said it would be ready for pickup in two days, nine days later they "still hadn't had time to look at it". Went on the tenth day and picked it up after they had smeared silicon all over the transom. Took it out the next day and again took on 20-30 gallons of water, obviously they again had not water tested it. Tested it myself when I got home, sure enough the keel strip had a bad weld. Marked it for them and took it back.

Don't get me wrong I know I'm going to love my Tracker, but as a business owner I sure don't understand thier position on customer service.
