Color selector on Nitro's web page???

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Chad Dwyer2

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering what happened to the interactive color selector on Nitro's web page. They used to have a really nice one and now they have nothing.

Anyone have a clue? I have called and e-mailed them but never get a response.


Chad L. Dwyer
Chad - Which email did you use? Did you contact the Web-Master at [email protected]? I've emailed him quite a bit over the last 2 years. Drop him a line (if the same guys is still there) and his is VERY responsive. Mention my name (Michael Trepper) and Handle (TrepMan) and that I referred you from this site.

Chad, The new boat book has the colors in them!! BPS/ Hampton said they would be on the web site soon!! KB
I also noticed this problem and e-mailed the web master at least 4 times and never received a response on this very same issue. The brochure does show color options but it is much more helpful to see the colors on the boat with different carpets, seats etc. The brochure doesnt show or even list carpet colors or seat colors. I am ordering my boat within the next 2 weeks and I have no "real" idea what the color combo's are actually gonna look like, kinda