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eric nichols

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
We've been getting pounded by heavy storms here in West Virginia. I got caught in one on Monday. We haven't had any sunny, hot days to open up and air out compartments yet. What is best to use to clean out livewell in the case some mildew has formed? I don't want to use anything too harsh, like bleach, that may harm fish but want to kill the possible mildew. Thanks for the help, Eric
I clean my wells with white vinegar, it works quite well and its good for killing fungus and eliminating the fishy smell. it wont hurt the fish one bit either after you rince it out.

You can use bleach if you mix a very small amount (like 1tsp to a quart of water) in a spray bottle with water and mist the wells. Be sure to rinse it very well when done until the smell is gone.
Yes sir on the bleach ... and it is the preferred spray re: Zebra Mussels.
I do the white vinegar after every trip I use the livewells. I fill her up in the drivway, add a cup of white vinegar, cycle the areator a while, drain and rinse.

White vinegar is the only thing I spray in them to clean them out. In the wintertime, when I used to have to winterize my boat, I would run RV antifreeze through them and cycle it through the pumps to make sure than anything standing in the pumps wouldn't freeze and crack them or the fittings (it's the kind made to keep potable water systems from cracking in an RV). Then I'd just rinse completely with water when done.

I'm not a fan of bleach, Simple Green, or any other harsh chemical in my livewells.

All the best,

Once you have it clean spray BTS is the wells and it fights and prevents mold and mildew. I also spray it on my lifejackets and raingear and keeps them fresh also.

Uh Simple Green is not harsh,biodegradeable and enviroment safe;)

And you do rinse afterword.

You're absolutely right - that's what the label claims (biodegradable and environmentally safe), and that is probably why the Navy started using it onboard ships. However, I'm still not a fan of putting it (or any commercial cleaner) in my livewells. I didn't even like it for cleaning. I never said you were wrong - just that "I'm not a fan". Just because you rinse afterwards doesn't mean that you won't still have residue somewhere - particularly in hoses and pumps. If it works for you, then I'm happy for you. If it also works for Eric, that's great too. Have a great day.

All the best,

The only vinegar that I use is on my fish after they're fried!:lol:

No bro... it's not supposed to be vinegar after they are cooked ... use lemon juice instead. :p

All the best,
