Mike Taft: I never said that there should be no repercussions because he employs Americans. My comments were reactions to "take that" and "that is going to leave a mark." I said that 7-11 getting gas elsewhere would have no impact on Senor Chavez and his end of the Citgo pipeline. What he doesn't send to 7-11 will certainly be lapped up by China for one and any other country that wants gas. I said that if anyone is impacted it would be Americans working at Citgo America--the folks getting paid to move Senor Chavez' gas around. 7-11's move is symbolic at best and Senor Chavez could care less.
Bill Barham/Uncle Billy: We say we are the good guys, but self-annointed acclimations can sometimes be dubious and self-serving honors. The world sees us less and less as the good guys, partly because during our performance on the world stage we often speak with forked tongue, pick and choose when and where we will exercise our "good guyness" muscles, we want everything material but expect others to be satisfied with our gift of democracy while continuing to live in squalor, and the list goes on. "If we are the good guys" is simply a tag line to cause a little introspection. I like to consider things like why are we so willing to go over to Iraq and kick some real ass in the name of democracy, yet within our own borders we are so loathe to stand up and protect ourselves from the enemy within? Why are our actions to exact democratic reforms in Iraq so willingly violent, but so anemic here at home? Sometimes it is just good to question one's assertion of rightness, goodness, etc.
And if anyone is questioning my patriotism, you would be most definitely wrong.