CIII, KB....How'd Ya Do?

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third place, tough fishing, 3 fish 6.49 second was 8.40 first was 21 something!!! Kinda knocks the wind out of your sails!! but a check is a check
darrin blanked i think, the leaders were up the north anna in a cove, no details. we were in pidgeonin the back. half the field did not weigh in. senko's and cranks 200 bandit rootbeer
Here are the stats and thanks for the congrats!! KB can read some water!!!

32 Boats registered

32 Fish caught (total)

16 Boats did not weigh in

Leaders were in the Pamunky somewhere in a sheltered cove.

I had a great time today, thanks KB!!!

I can't believe the rivers have turned on already. 5 will get you 10 I know exactly what "cove" they were in. Congrats on one heck of a finish considering the lake!! I'm goin crappie hunting tomorrow!!

Thanks Tox,

For my first TX it was fun. Had a great time and it was nice to go fisning and not wear long johns!!!!!

How did the crappie fishing go? Where did you go?


PS Howz about a cove hint?
And I was going to be there this weekend, but got sick, so I stayed up in Maryland all weekend. Hopefully next weekend.
