Chalk up another loss for "growing the sport"

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
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BassFan learned today that the long-running and popular Bassmaster University series has been cancelled for at least next year, and possibly longer. The traveling seminar series provided a 2-day classroom environment in which participants could learn in-depth bass techniques from tour pros. In the past, anglers like Gary Klein, Larry Nixon, Denny Brauer, David Fritts and Kevin VanDam were instructors.

About the cancellation, a BASS official said: "The Bassmaster University seminar program is currently under review and no classes will be offered in 2007. BASS will continue to serve members with instructional content via Bassmaster magazine and"

ESPN is doing such a wonderful job of growing the sport, aren't they??:angry:

What a bunch of losers!!:angry:

I agree that this may be a bad thing for some non-professional fishermen, but it is not like we can't learn things in many other places.

As to blaming ESPN I think we need to know why they are doing it. Are they wildly popular and worth the expense of running them? Is ESPN responding to requests from the professional fishermen to take something off their plate? I've heard them grouse many times about their extremely hectic off season schedules; perhaps it is now worse with the revised fishing schedule.
Yup their growing the sport all right, " They just sold the rights to the weekend series to ABA" by filling their pockets and throwing the left overs away.:(
I agree Mac. Ill just add this to the other reasons why i let my bass sub lapse...

I dont plan to renew.
Don't know about anyone else, but my wife send me one year for my birthday, was a wasted $100!! Out of 2 days of classroom talking about how heavy of sinker they use for a T-rig??? I got something out of one class in 2 days, and that was how to really read your electronics. So if you have fish very much in your live your not going to miss much!! IMO.
I went two years and really enjoyed it. Would have gone last year, but didn't have time.
Been several times. Always learned something. Always.

Yes, some instructors are better than others. I'm guessing that one reason that it has stopped, is that some of the 'talent' that is presenting there, likely wants a pretty good payday. It's not an inexpensive venture to pay the airline, hotel, and direct instructor costs for a 5-6 instructors for 2 days.

When Brauer, Ike, VanDam and other top competitors/anglers are going to be there, that can get expensive quickly. They don't 'appear' for chump change.

That sucks. I went twice to the one in Richmond, VA. It was a great time. I was going to try and go again, but I guess not!!
OK then, how about the touring "MacMaster" University. Maybe we could have some "MINI" seminars and it could be a cross-country "Trep". I would pay for that one...
Self Taught...Okeechobee university...Indiana University.....Learned alot..

Seriously I belive you can get some pointers from classes,My dad wasn't alivefor these classes from pros.and he was one of the greatest fisherman that ever lived ....It's like golf you learn on the course not on the range...Just my thoughts...I have caught bass from 11 pounds to 6 ounces I learned on my own...It's never the same everyday...Practice makes perfect.....I meet pros all the time and the best advicce they give Is to use your confidece bait...???? I gues thats a shinner On my trip...HEE HEE...:D
I went to my first last year and took my 8 year old. We had a good time and learned a few things. We were going to go back next year. It was cool seeing my 8 year old take notes.
I went to them for the last several years and really enjoyed them.Sad to see them go.ESPN is not helping the sport with this bone head move
This is what happens when you give the beancounters the keys to the front door.

I went when it came to Nashville and enjoyed it. Some people (like myself) don't have alot of people around who like to fish and you can learn from so something like this was appreciated. I learned alot in some of the seminars and not so much in others. Although it was a gift for me, it was worth the money. have some of the best fishermen right here at your disposal:p